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DCU Changemaker Schools Network

Rathcoole ETNS


Rathcoole ETNS: A DCU Changemaker School

Innovative Learning Environment

Rathcoole ETNS is a new school since September 2020. They are a unique school, which use no textbooks, have two turtles called Toby and Tiny and have an amazing Nurture Room.

Check out their website here

Student-Driven Development

From the very beginning, the children of Rathcoole ETNS have played an active role in shaping their educational experience. They are involved in the design of their new build and have even visited the site, taking photographs and contributing ideas.

Connecting with Nature

The school emphasises outdoor learning with its innovative outdoor classroom and Forest School programme. These spaces allow children to connect with nature, fostering creativity and a sense of environmental stewardship. Regular activities in these natural settings help nurture a love for the outdoors and an appreciation for the environment.

Wellbeing Warriors

Wellbeing is a core focus at Rathcoole ETNS. The Wellbeing Warriors, a dedicated group of children, meet regularly with staff to promote mental health and wellness throughout the school. Their initiatives range from creating and sharing uplifting videos to organizing activities that support students’ return to school after the Summer.

Democratic Education

Rathcoole ETNS is a democratic school where children’s voices, agency, and participation are integral to all they do. The children are empowered to vote on activities such as Storytime selections, ensuring their preferences and interests are respected. This democratic approach extends to playtime, where children are encouraged to direct their play activities, supported by staff who facilitate and scaffold their experiences. If children wish to extend their play or explore new resources- they can- even writing persuasive letters to the principal, as they successfully did to acquire new magnets.

Student-Curated Libraries

The children select books for both the Wellbeing Library and the Learn Together Library.

Tech-Savvy Community

Embracing technology, Rathcoole ETNS is a tech-savvy community. The children showcased their digital skills by creating a TikTok video highlighting their hard work, for their end of year Board of Management meeting.

Proud DCU Changemaker School

Rathcoole ETNS is proud to be recognised as a DCU Changemaker School. 

DCU Changemaker School

DCU Changemaker School

Waiting chain. We have one of these in our class. It helps us count down the days to our holidays. Each link has an act of kindness. First one today... send staff love. Mission accomplished.

Waiting chain. We have one of these in our class. It helps us count down the days to our holidays.
Each link has an act of kindness. First one today... send staff love. Mission accomplished.