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DCU Changemaker Schools Network

Data Privacy Notice

Project Title: DCU Changemaker Schools Network

About us 

The DCU Changemaker Schools Network is a School-University Partnership based in the School of Policy and Practice at the DCU Institute of Education.


Purpose of the study

The aim of the DCU Changemaker Schools Network is to develop and enhance a school-university partnership of primary schools in Ireland who have been identified as DCU Changemaker Schools.


Your personal data 

By participating in the DCU Changemaker Schools Network, you will be submitting the personal data of students, school staff and parents to  DCU. As such, DCU is the Data Controller and must comply with data protection rules under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2018. 

Data protection concerns the safeguarding of privacy rights of individuals in relation to the processing of their personal data and personal data means any information relating to an identified, or an identifiable, living individual (e.g. name, email address, contact details, consent form, research files etc.)  

DCU, as a Data Controller, is responsible for the personal data you provide, based on your freely given and informed consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time, through the contact details below.

The categories of personal data which we will collect from you as part of this project are: 

  • Name of school, school principal and Change Leaders of each participating school
  • Effects on learning attainment and participation across all curricular areas at primary level in particular literacy attainment 
  • Pupil Attendance
  • Enrolment figures in schools as a result of being a part of the DCU Changemaker Schools Network
  • Pupil engagement in Changemaker activities 
  • Pupils identifying as Changemakers as as result of participation in a DCU Changemaker School
  • Promotion of 21st century learning skills
  • Promotion of the 4 key pillars of the network which are empathy, creativity, leadership and teamwork
  • Parental perspectives and experiences of being part of a DCU Changemaker school network
  • Parental perspectives and experiences on the value for their child of being part of a DCU Changemaker school network
  • Parental engagement in school as a result of being part of a DCU Changemaker School
  • Development of pupil agency and voice as a result of being in a DCU Changemaker school
  • Development of pupil identity as a result of being in a DCU Changemaker school
  • Development of teacher identity as a result of being in a DCU Changemaker school
  • Collection of documents containing school information and self-reports of best practices in terms of Changemaking in their school.
  • Video and photographic data to be used in communication fora, advertising and as supplements to written communications about the network. 
  • Number of schools engaged as DCU Changemaker Schools
  • School engagement with social justice issues as a result of being part of a DCU Changemaker School
  • Teacher and leader engagement at CPD and conferences as organised by the DCU Changemaker Schools Network

Personal data that you submit to DCU through the DCU Changemaker Schools Network will be used for:

  • Populating the website
  • Collateral including promotional booklet and material
  • Conference, showcases and dissemination events
  • Marketing and communications
  • Newsletters
  • Research papers
  • Impact measurement
  • KPI scorecard
  • Research and papers
  • Reports
  • Specific social media channels
  • Workshops for teaching professionals
  • Digitally archiving findings with the Digital Repository of Ireland

The personal data you provide will be held for a period of 5 years after which it will either be deleted in full, or suitably anonymized. Data will be deleted on April 2028.

Personal data provided as part of this study will be held safely and securely in accordance with the DCU Data Privacy Policy.

All data will be protected as follows:

  • Password protected files
  • Folders on firewall protected DCU network drives
  • Hardcopy documents stored in locked cabinets in DCU
  • Access limited only to specified research team members 
  • All paper based data will be disposed in a secure bin
  • All data held on devices will be removed and placed in secure files
  • The online survey data will be gathered through the DCU Education registered Qualtrics platform and is only accessible to the two DCU researchers through a password protected log in. The data will be downloaded to SPSS and stored into a password protected DCU Google Drive folder, accessible only to the research team.
  • Audio files and anonymised transcriptions from the focus groups and interviews will be stored in a password protected DCU Google Drive folder, accessible only to the research team.
  • Parental consent for child survey and child focus group, as well as for parent survey will be captured through the Aladdin for Schools system, and held within each of the participating primary schools. 
  • For parents unable to use the Aladdin system, parental consent will be indicated through the submission of a hard copy of the informed consent form. These will be stored in a locked cabinet in the school of the particular child in question, accessible to the research team only. 
  • Completed copies of surveys will be stored in a locked cabinet in the school of the particular children in question, accessible to the research team only. When this data is converted to online form, these files will be stored into a password protected DCU Google Drive folder, accessible only to the research team. Hard copies will then be destroyed. 

Personal data obtained and generated in the course of this study will be shared with the following non-DCU external bodies or agencies:

  • basis.point
  • Department of Education
  • Centre for School Leadership
  • Professional Development Service
  • NCCA
  • Other schools 
  • INTO 
  • IPPN 


Your rights 

Under data protection rules, individuals have a number of rights, including: 

  • The right to be informed of what happens to personal data relating to you
  • The right of access to personal data relating to you, and to obtain a copy 
  • The right to rectification if an error is contained in the personal data relating to you 
  • The right to erasure of personal data relating to you (in certain circumstances) 
  • The right to restrict processing of personal data relating to you (in certain circumstances)
  • The right to data portability
  • The right to object to processing of personal data relating to you (in certain circumstances)
  • Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling

These rights are available where the applicable criteria are met and subject to certain exceptions under data protection law. For example, it may not be possible to comply with a request to erase data where DCU has a legal obligation to retain records, or where it is necessary and proportionate to keep such data for the purposes of defending legal claims, and/or to protect the vital interests of a data subject. 

To exercise your rights, or if you have any questions in relation to your personal data, you may contact the DCU Data Protection Unit at: data.protection@dcu.ie. For further information, please visit: DCU Data Protection Unit. General information on how DCU collects, uses, and discloses personal data, and on your data protection rights, is available on the DCU Privacy Policy

You also have the right under data protection law to complain to the Data Protection Commission (see www.dataprotection.ie), but we ask that you please contact us in the first instance so that we can resolve any issues arising. 



Note: Processing of personal data and any special categories of personal data by the DCU Changemaker Schools Network is based on your freely given and informed consent for the purposes described above. You may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting:

Dr John White, School of Policy and Practice, DCU Institute of Education, Dublin 9
