University Policies
Welcome to the University's Central Policies Web page (CPW).
In addition to publishing the most significant policies by which the University governs it affairs it also contains useful sections on University Statutes, Codes and Regulations that will be of particular interest to staff, students and the general public.
The CPW is owned by the Office of the Chief Operations Officer (OCOO) with day-to-day responsibility for its maintenance and contents resting with the Risk & Compliance Officer.
The purpose of the CPW is to:
- provide access, via a single website location, to all of the policies that relate to the administration of the academic and business affairs of the University;
- indicate which policies have been recently amended or newly created in the last year;
- indicate, for specific categories of staff, those policies which may be of particular relevance;
- provide guidance on the drafting and approval process for a university policy;
- to assist in the correct designation and categorization of various documents as either policies, codes, procedures or guidelines by applying the principles set out in the University's Hierarchy of Documents.
If you have any queries, comments or recommendations regarding this section of the University's website please contact the University Risk & Compliance Officer at + 353 1 700 8706 or alternatively by email.