Sustainability in Tarmon N.S.
At Tarmon N.S. a huge emphasis is placed on outdoor learning and sustainability. We have a beautiful school garden where children learn about sustainability in action.
Our chicken coop houses one cockerel and two hens. The chickens are looked after on a daily basis by the pupils. A child from the senior class leads the project and he, along with his team, ensure the chickens are cared for in a clean and safe environment. They bring other pupils out to the coop each day to give the chickens food and water and help change the bedding. They scatter sawdust on the floor of the coop so that the chickens are clean, dry, and cosy.
Pupils usually collect two eggs each day from the coop. These eggs are then used during baking lessons with the children at school. We made pancakes on Pancake Tuesday and brown bread for St Patricks’ Day. We sometimes make buns with the eggs as a treat on Fridays. Any extra eggs are left in a basket in the staffroom and are sold to staff or visitors to the school. We use this money to buy feed for the chickens. We also use scraps from our compostable materials to feed the chickens which really contributes to the sustainability of the project.
We also have a polytunnel in our school garden where we grow lots of fresh produce including onions, carrots, potatoes, suedes, parsnips, peas, and strawberries.
In term one this year our students worked collaboratively to make scarecrows for the garden. The children brought in old clothes from home, and they stuffed these with straw to from the scarecrows. It was great fun!
To fertilise the soil in the polytunnel we source manure from our neighbouring farm.
We use the produce from the polytunnel to help instruct the children about healthy eating. The classes make healthy snacks using the vegetables and fruit for example: vegetable soup, salad sandwiches, fruit salad etc. The children are excited to eat their own produce and it helps to promote a positive, sustainable approach to healthy eating.