DCU Student Advice & Learning Skills Centre (SAL)
Welcome to the Student Advice & Learning Skills Centre (SAL)
The DCU Student Advice and Learning Skills Centre, a unit of Student Support & Development, supports students in their transition to university and throughout their student journey towards graduation.
Our services are provided to the entire student population across all campuses and online.
We support students to reach their academic and personal potential through individual advice, guidance and development opportunities.
How to find us
The Student Advice and Learning Skills Centre (SAL) has two locations on our Glasnevin and St Patrick's Campuses. The centres are open Monday to Friday (except Bank Holidays) from 9am to 5pm.
On Glasnevin campus, you will find us on the ground floor of the Henry Grattan building at the entrance close to the main restaurant.
In St Patrick's Campus, we are located in C101.
Email: student.support@dcu.ie
Phone: GLA (01) 7007165 / SPC (01) 7009018
Chat: Click on the 'ASK' button between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday