Bottle top mural

Ballymoney N.S. bottle top mural
Ballymoney National School focused on creativity during the pandemic. They created a unique and beautiful seven-metre-long collaborative mural out of 12,400 plastic bottle tops.
The aim of the bottle top mural was to help their two classrooms to feel connected during the pandemic but ultimately the whole community got involved with collecting bottle tops and it ended up uniting the village and their parish.
The bottle top mural got a lot of local and national media attention. The mural featured on RTE Nuacht, the Ray Darcy show on RTE 1, the Ian Dempsey Show on Today FM and on the local radio stations and newspapers.
Since then, the school has been contacted by numerous primary schools, a secondary school, youth groups, Tidy Towns Associations and even retirement homes who have sought their advice and copied their idea. This creative idea was focused on building teamwork skills and creating a sense of community within the school; however, the mural has led the students to become inspiring leaders to many groups across the country.