Examination Results | Registry
Semester one exam results were published on the 5th February-5th March. Results are no longer available to students until the semester two promulgation of results on 4th June 2025.
Technical Information re the promulgation of results page.
Please note: Students should use Safari on Mac or Chrome on Windows - MS Edge can be problematic. Results can be viewed on a phone - depending on the browser, students may need to adjust the size of the column.
Once logged in to view grades you will need to make a selection from the drop-down menus.
1. Select Term: Autumn 2024 should be selected for all semester one modules which began in Autumn 2024
2. Select relevant Course level (Undergraduate, Postgraduate etc)
3. Select a Study Path (this will display your programme for selection)
4. Your overall module mark is displayed in the Final Grade box
5. You can double click on Components button to see your examination or/and course work grade.
If you have completed your program, your overall classification will be displayed in the Student Outcome box
- Read more: Promulgation Guide for Students
- Video: Promulgation Guide for Students
Results will be available online for 30 days after they have been published.
Consultation Days: Monday 10th February to Friday 14th February 2025
In DCU, consultation days are available after each round of exam results so that you can receive feedback on exams or assignments.
These consultation days are particularly important and beneficial if you have received an unexpected grade. Meetings with lecturers on those days allow you to see how marks were allocated and better understand how to improve your academic performance. Good feedback can be encouraging, constructive and provide you with concrete/do-able recommendations.
The meeting can also be used to clarify arrangements for resits, and learn about processes for recheck, review and appeal. It is your responsibility to contact the lecturer of your module(s) to arrange a consultation meeting.
Read more: DCU's Consultation Days - Guidelines for Students
Appeals process
Semester one results are usually provisional and not approved by the relevant Progression and Award Board until after semester two. It is normally not possible to appeal provisional results at this time. (If you have no overall result displayed in the student outcome box, results are provisional)
However, the following regulation applies to the appeal of provisional results: Where examination results have been approved provisionally by a Programme Board Examination Review Committee but not formally approved by a Progression and Awards Board, and where the absence of an opportunity to appeal would prevent a candidate from making a decision whether or not to resit an examination at the next sitting.
There are a number of options available to a student whose examination results does not meet their expectations.
- They may view their script and discuss their performance with the module co-ordinator/lecturer during the University’s published consultation days.
- They have the right to appeal the decisions of a Progression and Award Board under specific grounds.
- They may apply in certain circumstances to have a section of their assessment reviewed by an independent assessor.
- They may apply in certain circumstances to have the recording and collation of marks which determined a module result rechecked.
- Closing date for lodging an appeal is Monday 17th February at 5pm.
- The Appeals Board will meet Friday 28th February 2025 to consider appeals.
- Further information on DCU Appeals
- Should you have other queries, please consult with the Frequently Asked Questions or e-mail: academicsecretariat@dcu.ie.
If you are considering submitting an appeal later this year, it is recommended you meet with your module coordinator/lecturer over the consultation period to discuss your assessment or exam.
Completed your Programme of Study
Congratulations on completing your studies!
A transcript of your formal statement of your examination results will be issued following the Progression and Award Board for your programme.
Read more about transcripts: https://www.dcu.ie/registry/registry-transcripts-results
Graduations are a huge milestone in the DCU journey. Students eligible to graduate will receive an e-invitation to the graduation event 4-6 weeks before the ceremony date, please check your DCU student email account. The next conferring graduation ceremony is scheduled for 28th March, 2025.
To find out more details about your graduation, visit The Graduation FAQ page.
Examination 2024/2025 Results
Examination results will be published on the dates outlined in the Academic Calendar.
The schedule for 2024/2025 is as follows:
- Promulgation of Semester One Examination Results Online - Wednesday 5th February 2025
- Promulgation of Semester Two Examination Results Online - Wednesday 4th June 2025
- Promulgation of Autumn (Resit) Examination Results Online - Tuesday 26th August 2025
- Promulgation of Late Autumn Examination Results Online - Friday 31st October 2025
Exam Results will be available online for 30 days post Publication only. (14 days for Late Autumn Examination Results)
Marks and Standards state :
Compensation is applied only when all of the following conditions are met:
(i) the modules are being attempted for the first time, i.e. a full set of module marks is presented for the first time; compensation is not applied in relation to modules being attempted at a second or subsequent sitting
(ii) a minimum precision mark (average) of 45% has been obtained
(iii) a maximum of 1/6 of the available ECTS credits have been failed in the academic session (regardless of the semester in which the failure(s) occur or of how these ECTS credits are made up in terms of modules e.g. exempted and pass/fail modules
(iv) the marks obtained in the individual failed module(s) is/are 35% or greater
This means that if you have not completed all elements of your programme yet, Compensation will not be applied until all elements have been completed.
Progression and Award Board
The Progression and Award Board (PAB) is made up of all the lecturers who teach on a specific programme of study at DCU and the relevant external examiners. It is chaired by the Programme Chairperson. At the end of each year, the PAB meets to collate and review grades in the various modules, and take all relevant information into consideration when approving final results. The PAB has discretion to make decisions in respect of individual student's marks. All decisions of the PAB in respect of module marks are made with appropriate regard for the welfare of students, confidentiality, equity of treatment and the maintenance of academic standards. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the University, through the Registry, by the due date, of any extenuating circumstances that may have affected their academic performance in one or more modules.