DCU Changemaker Schools Conference
Children’s Citizenship, Rights and Participation
DCU Changemaker Schools Network (DCU CSN) invites you to a conference to celebrate new schools joining the Network and to explore children's citizenship, rights and participation in Irish schools today.
This event will bring children, change leaders and school principals from all of our DCU Changemaker Schools together to:
Gain valuable insights from international thought leader Harry Sheir, whose keynote speech will focus on children’s citizenship, rights and participation. Harry will speak about the Pathways to Participation model and support schools to create school cultures to realise children’s rights,
Discover how the DCU Changemaker Schools are working to foster school cultures of social justice and learn about ‘Sea School’ in Scoil Bhríde Shantalla, Galway City,
Participate in exciting workshops pertaining to the DCU Changemaker Schools, Children’s Rights and CAP (Children’s Advisory Panel),
Enjoy Networking with fellow DCU Changemaker Schools and academics in the DCU Institute of Education.