Research Links | National Institute for Digital Learning
Research Links
The National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL) intefaces with, and maintains a number of links to, other research and development centres hosted by Dublin City University, including:
• National Anti-Bullying Centre
• Centre for the Advancement of Science and Mathematics Teaching and Learning
• Higher Education Research Centre
• Insight Centre for Data Analytics
• PDST Technology in Education
• School of STEM Education, Innovation and Global Studies
We also maintain strong links to similar research centres and relevant professional associations throughout the world. We welcome opportunities to listen, network and share our experience with other people and institutions both nationally and internationally. Members of the Research Network are commtted to sharing our expertise and building capacity in digital, blended and online learning throughout Ireland and many of our events are open to people across Education sectors. Also we provide a comprehensive list of links on our website to many of the major professional associations supporting research in the field along with relevant online books and journals in the area of Digital Learning.
Leading at the Edge of Innovation