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Online Books

We recommend the following open access fully online books to those interested in the area of digital, blended and online learning. 


Paulsen, M. F. (2024). Online education: The first decade of my online education world 1980-1990. NooA, Kirkegata 7, 3770 Kragerø, Norway


Amrane, L., Baume, D., Brown, S., Hatzipanagos, S., Powell, P., Sherman, S., & Tait, A. (eds.) (2023). Online and distance education for a connected world. UCL Press. 

Czerniewicz, L., & Cronin, C. (2023). Higher education for good: Teaching and learning futures. OpenBook Publishers. 

Conrad, D. (ed.). (2023). Research, writing, and creative process in open and distance education. Open Book Publishers. 

Dron, J. (2023). How education works. Athabasca Press, Alberta, Canada. 

Flrry, C., & Geiss, M. (eds.). (2023). How computers entered the classroom: Historical perspectives. 

Köseoğlu, S., Veletsianos, G., & Rowell, C. (2023). Critical digital pedagogy in higher education. Albert: Athabasca Press.

Kruse, et al. (Ed.). (2023). Digital writing technologies in higher education. Springer. 

Nerantzi, C., Abegglen, S., Karatsiori, M. and Martinez-Arboleda, A. (Eds.) (2023). 101 Creative ideas to use AI in education. A crowdsourced collection.

Oliver, J., du Toit, C., Bunt, B., & Dhakulkar, A. (eds.). (2023). Contextualised open educational practices: Towards student agency and self-directed learning. Aosis Scholarly Books. 

Oliver, R., & Rambow, A. (eds.) (2023). Open educational resources in higher education: A global perspective. Springer. 

Otto, D., Schamberg, G., Kerres, Zawacki-Richter, O.  (eds.). (2023). Distributed learning ecosystems" Concepts, resources, and repositories. Springer. 

Pinheiro, R., Tomte, C., Barman, L., Degn, L., & Geschwind, L. (2023). Digital transformations in Nordic higher education. Springer. 

Rebus Community (Kaitlin Schilling, Apurva Ashok, Jördis Weilandt) (2023) Making Ripples: A Guidebook to Challenge Status Quo in OER Creation. Rebus Community.

Rose, R. (2023). ChatGPT in higher education: Artificial Intelligence and its pedagogical value. Pressbooks. 

Vaughan, N., Dell, D., Cleveland-Innes, M., & Garrison, R. (2023). Principles of blended learning: Shared metacognition and communities of inquiry. Athabasca Press. 

West, R. E. & Leary, H. (2023). Foundations of Learning and Instructional Design Technology (2nd Edition). EdTech Books.

Zawacki-Richter, O., & Jung, I (eds.) (2023). Handbook of Open, Distance and Digital Education. Springer. 


Active Learning Network. (2022). 100 ideas for active learning. University of Sussex. Pressbooks.

Ajjawi, R., Tai, J., Boud, D., & Jorre de St Jorre, T. (2022). Assessment for inclusion in higher education. London: Routledge. 

Bates, T. (2022). Teaching in a digital age: Guidelines for designing teaching and learning (3rd ed.). Pressbooks. 

Brown, B., Roberts, V., Jacobsen, M., et al. (eds.). (2022). Ethical use of technology in digital learning environments: Graduate student perspectives Vol 1. The University of Calgary. 

Brown, B., Roberts, V., Jacobsen, M., et al. (eds.). (2022). Ethical use of technology in digital learning environments: Graduate student perspectives Vol 2. The University of Calgary. 

EATEL (2022). The DE-TEL book: Doctoral education for technology enhanced learning.

Earton, S.E., & Hughes, J. C. (2022). Academic integrity in Canada: An enduring and essential challenge. Springer. 

Engelhardt, C., et al. (ed.). (2022). How to be FAIR with your data: A teaching and training handbook for higher education institutions.

Green, T., & Mackie, K. (eds.). (2022). Liberated learners: How to learn with style. Co-designed by Students, Faculty and Staff at Trent University, Brock University, Seneca College, University of Windsor, McMaster University, Cambrian College and Nipissing University. Press Books. 

Horii, V. C., & Springborg, M. (2022). What teaching looks like: Higher education through photographs. Center for Engaged Learning. Elon University. 

James, A. (2022). The value of play in higher education: A study

Kay, R., & Hunter, W. (Eds.). Thriving online: A guide for busy educators. Ontario Tech University. Pressbooks. 

Kimmons, R. (2022). Becoming an Open Scholar. EdTech Books.

Marín, V. I., Peters, L. N. , & Zawacki-Richter, O. (2022). (Open) Educational Resources around the World: An International Comparison. EdTech Books.

Mulolani, I. (2022). Tools for creating OER. University of Regina, PresssBooks. 

Nørgård, R. T., Solheim, J., & Bukholt, K. J. (2022). Playful higher education: Voices, activities and co-creations from the PUP community. Center for Higher Education Futures, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University.

Power, R. (ed.). (2022). Integration of instructional design and technology. Volume 2. Press Books. 

Rienties, B., Hampel, R., Scanlon, E., & Whitelock, D. (eds.)(2022). Open world learning: Research, innovation and the challenges of high-quality education. Routledge. 

Trust, T. (2022). Online tools for teaching and learning. Pressbooks. 

Väljataga, T., & Laanpere, M. (Eds.) (2022). Shaping the future of digital transformation of the education ecosystem in Europe. 31st EDEN Annual Conference 2022 Tallinn, Estonia, June 20–22, 2022 Proceedings, Springer. 

Wellar, M. (2022). The metaphors of ed tech. AU Press. 


Arts, Y., Call, H., Cavan, M., Holmes, T., Rogers, J., Tuiloma, S., West, L., & Kimmons, R. (2021). An introduction to Open Education. Instructional Psychology and Technology Collection, EdTech Books. 

Brooks, R., & O'Shea, S. (Ed.) (2021). Reimagining the higher education student: Constructing and contesting identities. London: Routledge. 

Cormier, D., & O'Neil, A. (2021). 12 key ideas: An introduction to teaching online. Pressbooks. 

Donaldson, L. (Ed.). (2021). Exemplars of best practice with Eportfolio based assessment at Dublin City University. NIDL. Dublin.

Farrell, O., Brunton, J. Ni She, C., & Costello, E. (2021). #Openteach: Professional development for open online educators.  #Openteach project. Dublin City University, Dublin. Pressbooks. 

Ginty, C., & Duffy, J. (eds.). (2021). DigitalEd book on cases of building digital teaching and learning capabilities in higher education. Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology

Hartshorne, R., Ferdig, R., & Bull, G. (2021). What journal editors wish authors knew about academic publishing. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Hase, S., & Blaschke, L.M. (2021). Unleashing the power of learner agency. EdTech Books.

Imms, W., & Kvan, (2021). Teacher transition into innovative learning environments. Springer. 

Keane, M., McAvina, C., & O'Sullivan, I. (eds.). (2021). Emerging issues IV: Changing times, changing contexts. EDIN. 

Kimmons, R. & Irvine, J. (2021). 50 Years of Education Research Trends. EdTech Books.

Morris, S., Rai, L., & Littleton, K. (2021). Voices of practice: Narrative scholarship from the margins. Pressbook. 

Prinsloo, P., Slade, S., & Khalil, M. (2021). Learning analytics: A Primer. Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver.

Rennie, F., & Rayner, M. (2021). How to supervise (and be supervised) on a research degree. University of the Highlands and Islands. 

Stefaniak, J. E., Conklin, S., Oyarzun, B. , & Reese, R. M. (2021). A Practitioner's Guide to Instructional Design in Higher Education. EdTech Books.

Van Petegem, W., Bosman, JP., De Klerk, M., & Strydom, S. (2021). Evolving as a digital scholar: Teaching and researching in a digital world. Leuven University Press.  

Veletsianos, G., & Koseoglu, S. (ed.). (2021). Feminist critical digital pedagogy: An open book. EdTech Books.


Alexander, B. (2020). Acadmeic next: The futures of higher education

Bali, M., Cronin, C., Czerniewicz, L., DeRosa, R., & Jhangiani, R. (2020). Open at the margins: Critical perspectives on open education

Brown, B. et. al. (2020). Ethical use of technology in digital learning environments: Graduate student perspectives. University of Calgary. 

Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., Beirne, E., & Costello, E. (eds.) (2020). Proceedings of the 2019 ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Vol 1, Dublin City University, Dublin.

Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., Beirne, E., & Costello, E. (eds.) (2020). Proceedings of the 2019 ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Vol 2, Dublin City University, Dublin.

Cormier, D., & O'Neil, A. (2020). 12 key ideas: An introduction to teaching online

D'Ignazio K., & Klein, L. (2020). Data feminism. MIT Press.

Ehlers, U-F. (2020). Future skills: The future of learning and higher education 

Farrow, R., Iniesto, F., Weller, M. & Pitt., R. (2020). The GO-GN Research Methods Handbook. Open Education Research Hub. The Open University, UK. CC-BY 4.0. ​

Ferdig, R., Baumgartner, E., Hartshorne, R., Kaplan-Rakowski, R., Mouza, C. (2020). Teaching, technology and teacher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: Stories from the field. ACCE. 

Ferns, et. al., (2020). Technology tools for teaching in higher education, The practical handbook series

Healey, M., Matthews, K., & Cook-Sather, A. (2020). Writing about learning and teaching in higher education. Center for Engaged Learning. Elon University. 

Karunanayaka, S., & Naidu, S (Eds). Pathways to open educational practices. The Open University of Sri Lanka.

Mercer-Mapstone, L., & Aboot, S. (2020). The power of partnerships: Students, staff and faculty revolutionizing higher education. Center for Engaged Learning. Elon University. 

Networked Learning Conference. (2020). NLC2020 downloads. Free chapters from the 10 Springer networked learning books. 

Orr, D., et al., (2020). Higher education landscape 2030: A trend analysis based on the AHEAD international horizon scanning

Stommel, J., Friend, C., & Michael Morris, S. (2020). Critical digital pedagogy: A collection. Hybrid Pedagogy Publishing. 

Weller, M. (2020). 25 Years of EdTech. Athabasca University Press. 

Veletsianos, G. (2020). Learning online: The student experience

Zawacki-Richter, O., Kerres, M., Bedenlier, S., Bond, M., & Buntins, K. (eds.). (2020). Systematic reviews in educational research: Methodology, perspectives and application. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer VS. 

Zhang, KE., Bonk, C., Reeves, T., & Reynolds, T. (2020). MOOCs and open education in the global south: Challenges, successes and opportunities


Bates, T. (2019). Teaching in a digital age (2nd ed.). Vancouver, B.C., Tony Bates Associates

Cook,-Sather, A., Bahti, M., & Ntem, A. (2019). Partnerships: A how to guide for faculty, student, and academic developers in higher education. Center for Engaged Learning. Elon University. 

Ferguson, R., Jones, A., & Scanlon, E. (2019). Education visions: The lessons from 40 years of innovation. 

Kimmons, R. (2019). EdTech in the Wild. EdTech Books.

Kuhl, P., et al. (2019). Developing minds in the digital age: Towards a science of learning for the 21st Century

Page, C., & Vincent, A. (2019). Learning to learn online

Rowell, C. (2019). Social media in higher education: Case studies, reflection and analysis 

Zawacki-Richter, O., & Qayyum, A. (2019). Open and distance education in Asia, Africa and the Middle East: National perspectives in a digital age. 


Buban, J. (Ed.). (2018). Online and blended learning: Selections from the field. 

Conrad, D., & Openo, J. (2018). Assessment strategies for online learning: Engagement and authenticity. 

Davies, J., & Pachler, N. (2018). Teaching and learning in higher education: Perspectives from UCL. 

Davey, T., Meerman, A., Orazbayeva, B., Riedel, M., Galan-Muros, V., Plewa, C., & Eckert, N. (2018). The future of universities: Thoughtbook.

Donaldon, L. (ed.) (2018). Eportfolio based assessment: Inspiring exploration & supporting evaluation for practitioners. 

Orsini-Jones, M., & Smith, S. (Ed.). (2018). Flipping the blend through MOOCs, MALL and OIL – new directions in CALL. 

Qayyum, A., & Zawacki-Richter, O. (Eds). (2018). Open and distance education in Australia, Europe and the Americas

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. (2018). How people learn II: The science and practice of learning. 

Tong, V., Standen, A., & Sotiriou, M. (2018). Shaping higher education with students: Ways to connect research and teaching. 

Truss, D. (2018). Twitter EDU


Batson, T., Coleman, K. S., Chen, H. L., Watson, C. E., Rhodes, T. L., & Harver, A. (Eds.). (2017). Field guide to eportfolio: Why it matters for learning. 

BizMOOC - Knowledge Alliance (2017). The MOOC book. 

Carnell, B., & Fung, D. (Eds.). (2017). Developing the higher education curriculum: Research-based education in practice. 

dos Sants Ferreira, G M., da Silva Rosado, L A., & de Sa Carvalho, J. (2017). Educacao e tecnologia: Abordagends criticas (Education and technology: Critical approaches). 

Fung, D. (2017). A connected curriculum for higher education. 

Havemann, L., & Sherman, S. (Eds.). (2017). Assessment, feedback & technology: Contexts and case studies in Bloombury. 

Hodgkinson-Williams, C., & Arinto, P. (2017). Adoption and impact of OER in the global south. 

Jhangiani, R., & Biswas-Diener, R. (2017). The philosophy and practices that are revolutionizing Education and Science. 

Lang, C., Siemens, G., Wise, A., & Gašević D. (Eds.). (2017). Handbook of learning analytics. 

 Licht, A., Tasiopoulou, E., & Wastiau, P. (2017). Open book of educational innovation. European Schoolnet, Brussels.

May, E. (Ed.). A guide to making open textbooks with students. 


Baker, R. (2016). Big data and education (2nd ed). 

Bleeinger, P., & Bliss, T.J. (2016). Open education: International perspectives in higher education

Davis, S. (2016). Learning that matters: Revitalising Heathcote's rolling role for the digital age

De Cotre, E., Engwall, L., & Teichler, U. (2016). From books to MOOCs? Emerging models of learning and teaching in higher education

Gregory, S., Lee, M., Dalgarno, B., & Tynan, B. (Eds.) (2016). Learning in virtual worlds: Research and applications

Kirkwood, A., & Price, L. (2016). Technology-enabled learning implementation handbook

Stewart, M. (2016). Online learning and higher education: Key questions and considerations

Valetsianos, G (Ed.) (2016). Emergence and innovation in digital learning: Foundations and applications


Atenas, J., & Havemann, L. (2015). Open data as open educational resources: Case studies of emerging practice

Barab, S., & Jackson, C. (2015). The power of play in the digital age

Bates, T. (2015). Teaching in a digital age: Guidelines for designing teaching and learning for a digital age

Bowon. K. (ed.) (2015). MOOCs and educational challenges around Asia and Europe

Cortesi, S., & Gasser, U (Eds.). (2015). Digitally connected: Perspectives on youth and digital media

Gubrium, A., Harper, K., & Otanez, M. (2015). Participatory visual and digital research in action

Hillman, N. (2015). It's the finance, stupid! The decline of part-time higher education and what to do about it

Hopkins, D. (2015). The really useful edtech book

Kopec, J., & Pacewicz, K. (Eds.). (2015). Gamification: Critical approaches

Kroop, S., Mikroyannidis, A., & Wolpers, M. (2015). Responsive open learning environments

Maina, M., Craft, B., & Mor, Y. (Eds.) (2015). The art and science of learning design

O'Neill, G. (2015). Curriculum design in higher education: Theory to practice

Orr, D., Rimini, M., & van Damme, D. (2015) Open education resources: A catalyst for innovation

Williamson, B. (ed.) (2015). Coding/Learning: Software and digital data in education

Wright, N., & Forbes, D. (Eds.) (2015). Digital smarts enhancing learning and teaching


Bonk. C., & Khoo, E. (2014). Adding some Tec-variety 

Boyd, D. (2014). It's complicated: The social lives of networked teens 

Dron, D., & Anderson, T. (2014). Teaching crowds: Learning and social media

Eve, M. P..(2014). Open access and the humanities: Contexts, controversies and the future

Krause, S., & Lowe, C. (2014). Invasion of the MOOCs: The promises and perils of massive open online courses

Mor, Y., Mellar, H., Warburton, S., & Winters, N. (Eds.). (2015). Practical design patterns for teaching and learning with technology

Peberdy, D. (2014). Active learning spaces and technology

Richter, O.Z., & Anderson, T. (2014). Online distance education: Towards a research agenda

Singh, J. (2014). How to use Moodle 2.7: Teacher manual for the world's most popular LMS

van Mourik Broekman, P. , Hall, G. , Byfield, T. , Hides, S. and Worthington, S. (2014). Open education: A study of disruption

Watters, A. (2014). The monsters of education technology 

Weller, M. (2014). The battle for open: How openness won and how it doesn't feel like victory

Wiley, D. (2014). An open education reader


Gay, S., & Richardson, T. (2013). Using e-books and e-readers for adult learning

McGreal, R., Kinuthia, W., Marshall, S., & McNamara, T. (2013). Perspectives on open and distance learning: Open educational resources

Mejias, U. A. (2013). Off the network: Disrupting the digital world 

Peters, O. (2013). Against the tide: Critics of digitalisation

Vaughan, N., & Cleveland-Innes, M., & Garrison, R. (2013). Teaching in blended learning environments: Creating and sustaining communities of inquiry


Oblinger, D. (2012). Game changers: Education and information technologies


Burge, E., Campbell Gibson, C., & Gibson, T. (2011). Flexible pedagogy: Flexible practice

Weller, M. (2011). Digital scholar: How technology is transforming scholarly practice


Kennepohl, D., & Shaw, L. (2010). Accessible elements: Teaching science online at a distance 

Veletsianos, G. (2010). Emerging technologies in distance education


Anderosn, T. (2008). The theory and practice of online learning (2nd ed)

Herrington, J., Herrington, A., Mantei, J., Olney, I., & Ferry, B. (2009). New technologies, new pedagogies: Mobile learning in higher education

Mohamed Ally. (2009). Mobile learning: Transforming the delivery of education and training

Oblinger, D. (2006). Learning spaces

Power, M. (2009). A designer's log: Case studies in instructional design