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National Observatory for Digital Education

Online Journals

The following list of academic journals and professional magazines in the general area of digital, blended and online learning is available as open access publications. You may wish to search this list of EdTech Journals or the Directory of Open Access Journals to locate publications in related areas. Most of the restricted access journals contained in the second list are available through the Dublin City University Library. You will need to check your local institutional library to see if your organisation subscribes to these publications.

Journals with an asterisk (*) alongside them are in are opinion more likely to contain high quality internationally peer reviewed articles in well ranked publications relevant to the broad field of digital learning. However, this judgment depends on your particular interests and perspective as there is wide variation in the quality of academic publications (open & restricted) and we encourage people to consider journal rankings and impact factors (i.e. Scopus, SJR, SSCI, etc) when reviewing the quality of the literature.

Also, readers need to be increasingly wary of the number of predatory publishers promoting bogus or questionable journals.

Irish Publications

Exploring EdTech Ireland - Open Access

• Irish Educational Studies - Restricted Access

• Irish Journal of Academic Practice - Open Access

Irish Journal of Adult and Community Education - Open Access

• Irish Journal of Education - Open Access

Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning  - Open Access 

The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education - Open Access

International Publications - Open Access

International Publications - Restricted Access

 Other Journal Directories