Online Journals
The following list of academic journals and professional magazines in the general area of digital, blended and online learning is available as open access publications. You may wish to search this list of EdTech Journals or the Directory of Open Access Journals to locate publications in related areas. Most of the restricted access journals contained in the second list are available through the Dublin City University Library. You will need to check your local institutional library to see if your organisation subscribes to these publications.
Journals with an asterisk (*) alongside them are in are opinion more likely to contain high quality internationally peer reviewed articles in well ranked publications relevant to the broad field of digital learning. However, this judgment depends on your particular interests and perspective as there is wide variation in the quality of academic publications (open & restricted) and we encourage people to consider journal rankings and impact factors (i.e. Scopus, SJR, SSCI, etc) when reviewing the quality of the literature.
Also, readers need to be increasingly wary of the number of predatory publishers promoting bogus or questionable journals.
Irish Publications
• Exploring EdTech Ireland - Open Access
• Irish Educational Studies - Restricted Access
• Irish Journal of Academic Practice - Open Access
• Irish Journal of Adult and Community Education - Open Access
• Irish Journal of Education - Open Access
• Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning - Open Access
• The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education - Open Access
International Publications - Open Access
- Advances in Online Education
- Asian Association Open Universities Journal
- Asia-Pacific Collaborative Education Journal
- Asian Journal of Distance Education *
- Australasian Educational Computing (Archive)
- Australasian Journal of Educational Technology *
- Australasian Journal of Technology Education
- Canadian Journal of Education
- Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology *
- Computers & Education: Artificial Intelligence
- Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching
- Computers in New Zealand Schools (Archive)
- Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education *
- Current Issues in Emerging eLearning
- Designs for Learning
- Digital Education & Culture
- Digital Education Review
- Double Helix
- ECNU Review of Education
- EduCause Review *
- Education and Information Technologies*
- Education Sciences *
- Educational Designer
- Educational Technology Research and Development *
- eLearning & Education
- eLearning Magazine
- eLearning Papers
- E-Learning and Digital Media
- Electronic Journal of e-Learning
- Enhancing the Learner Experience in Higher Education
- European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning *
- European Journal of Training and Development
- European Lifelong Learning Magazine
- First Monday
- From Now On
- Frontiers in Education
- HERDSA Review of Higher Education *
- Higher Education Pedagogies
- Hybrid Pedagogy *
- IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies
- Information Technology and Disabilities
- Information, Technology and Educational Change
- Innovate: Journal of Online Education (Archive)
- Innovative Higher Education
- InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching
- Instructional Science
- Interactive Educational Multimedia (Archive)
- Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Learning and Learning Objects
- International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
- International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning
- International Journal of Communication
- International Journal of Designs for Learning
- International Journal of Education
- International Journal of Education Research and Technology
- International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education *
- International Journal of E-Learning and Distance Education
- International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning *
- International Journal of ePortfolio
- International Journal for Innovation and Quality in Learning (EFQUEL) (Archive)
- International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education
- International Journal of Media, Technology & Life-long Learning
- International Journal of Open Educational Resources
- International Journal for Students as Partners
- International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- International Journal on Studies in Education
- International Journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning (IJTTL)
- International Journal for Transformative Research
- International Research Journal on Digital Future (Formamente)
- International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning *
- International Women Online Journal of Distance Education
- Interpersonal Computing and Technology Journal (Archive)
- In the Library with the Lead Pipe
- Italian Journal of Educational Technology
- Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching
- Journal of Applied Instructional Design
- Journal of Community Informatics
- Journal of Computers in Education
- Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
- Journal of Copyright in Education and Librarianship
- Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education *
- Journal of Distance Education in China
- Journal of Education and Cultural Studies
- Journal of Educators Online
- Journal of Educational Technology and Society
- Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society
- Journal of Excellence in College Teaching
- Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice
- Journal of Information Technology Education: Research
- Journal of Instructional Science and Technology (Archive)
- Journal of Interactive Media in Education *
- Journal of Interactive Online Learning
- Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy
- Journal of Learning Analytics *
- Journal of Learning Design
- Journal of Learning for Development *
- Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning •
- Journal of Military Learning
- Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research *
- Journal of Open Source Education
- Journal of Open, Flexible and Distance Learning *
- Journal of Online Learning Research *
- Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (Archive)
- Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education
- Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice
- Journal of Problem-based Learning in Higher Education
- Journal of Social Media for Learning
- Journal of Technology Education
- Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment
- Journal of Universal Computing Science
- Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice
- Kairos - A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology and Pedagogy
- Knowledge Management & E-Learning
- Language, Learning, and Technology
- Learning and Leading With Technology (Archive)
- Learning Letters *
- Malaysian Journal of Distance Education
- Online Learning Journal *
- Open Education Studies
- Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration
- Open Praxis *
- OTESSA Journal
- Pacific Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning
- Postdigital Science and Education *
- Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning
- Research in Learning Technology *
- RUSC -Universities and Knowledge Society Journal (Archive)
- Smart Learning Environments
- Student Success Journal *
- Studies in Technology Enhanced Learning
- Teaching English with Technology
- Technology and Learning Magazine
- TechTrends *
- Tecnologie Didattache
- The Electronic Journal of e-Learning
- The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning *
- THEN: The Journal about Technology, Humanities, Education and Narrative (Archive)
- The Journal of Educators Online
- The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning
- The Technology Source (Archive)
- Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education
- Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
- Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy
- WebNet Journal (Archive)
- World Journal of Educational Technology
International Publications - Restricted Access
- American Journal of Distance Education *
- British Journal of Educational Technology *
- Computer-Assisted Language Learning
- Computers & Education *
- Computers in Human Behavior
- Distance Education *
- Education, Communication & Information (Archive)
- Educational Media International *
- Educational Technology (Archive) *
- Human-Computer Interation
- Information Technology and Disabilities (Archive)
- Innovate: Journal of Online Education
- Innovations in Education and Teaching International
- Interacting with Computers
- Interactive Learning Environments*
- Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning
- International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
- International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning*
- International Journal on E-Learning *
- International Journal of Educational Telecommunications (Archive)
- International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
- International Journal of Instruction
- International Journal of Instructional Media (Archive)
- International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning
- International Journal of Learning Technology
- International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society
- International Journal of Technology and Design Education
- Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) *
- Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching
- Journal of Computing in Higher Education *
- Journal of Educational Computing Research (Archive) *
- Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia
- Journal of Educational Technology Systems
- Journal of Interactive Learning Research
- Journal of Research on Technology in Education *
- Journal of Special Education Technology
- Journal of Technology and Teacher Education *
- Learning, Media and Technology *
- Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning *
- Open Review of Educational Research (Archive)
- Quarterly Review of Distance Education *
- Technology in Society
- Technology, Pedagogy and Education *
- The Internet and Higher Education *
Other Journal Directories
- EdTech Journals
- Educational Technology Journals
- Directory of Open Access Journals
- Journals in the Field of Instructional Technology
- Searchable Inventory of Journals