Accredited Modules | National Instatute for Digital Learning
Accredited Modules
The National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL) through the Teaching Enhancement Unit (TEU) offers a number of accredited modules with a focus on digital, blended and online learning for both academic staff and postgraduate students. We are currently developing a new qualification pathway for teaching at the higher education level. There are currently three modules available:
- Online Teaching Module
- Online Assessment Module
- Postgraduate Tutor/Demonstrator Module
Online Teaching Module
This is a 5 credit, level 9 specialist module on Online Teaching (LI501) developed in conjunction with the Dublin Region Higher Education Alliance (DRHEA). The module is designed to equip those engaged in teaching in higher education with skills and competencies in online teaching while focusing on enhancing learning by harnessing the potential of new and emerging technologies.
Since May 2011, this module has been delivered to academic staff from across nine higher education institutions in the Dublin Regional Higher Educational Alliance and beyond. Places on the module are limited to 30 persons and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Please contact Dr Mark Glynn if you require further information.
Assessment and Feedback in the Online Environment
This is a 5 credit, level 9 specialist module on Assessment and Feedback in the Online Environment developed for the Higher Education sector. It is designed for practitioners who are currently involved in assessing student work whether they teach in a face-to-face, blended, or fully online environment.
The majority of content in this module will be delivered through weekly synchronous webinars. To complement delivery two face-to-face sessions will be offered at Dublin City University. Please note international participants will be expected to attend some of the scheduled face-to-face sessions remotely via the virtual classroom. Places on the module are limited to 30 persons and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Please contact Dr Mark Glynn if you require further information.
Postgraduate Tutor/Demonstrator Module
The Teaching Enhancement Unit is responsible for a 5 credit, level 8 specialist Postgraduate Tutor/Demonstrator Module as part of the Graduate Studies Training Programme. Topics covered in the module include: Learning Theories; Teaching Approaches; Teaching in Diverse Classes; Technology Enhanced Learning.
Students wishing to complete this module need to officially register to receive accreditation. To do this they must first seek approval from their supervisor and/or structured programme coordinator. DCU-based students can then register via their Portal page. For any queries relating to registration they can also contact graduatestudiesoffice@dcu.ie
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