DCU Institute of Education
DCU Institute of Education

Guidance and Industry Network (GaIN)

The Guidance and Industry Network (GAIN) was established in 2022 by DCU in collaboration with the 30% ClubCWiT and supporting industry partners.  As providers of initial training and education in guidance, DCU recognised the challenges faced by practitioners in trying to access the most relevant and up-to-date labour market information. The mission of GaIN is to bridge gaps between guidance and industry to support meaningful, inclusive employment pathways for all. 

The network held its inaugural event in January 2023 and since then has developed a wide reach, engaging with industry partners that operate on local, national, and international levels. The initiative is inclusive, welcoming anyone involved in the field of guidance, from information officers and teachers to school management and guidance practitioners from across Ireland. This broad engagement ensures a diverse range of perspectives and experiences, fostering collaborative efforts to address the challenges experienced by guidance professionals and industry partners.

We are pleased to announce there will be in-person GaIN events taking place again in January 2025, hosted with our thanks by Accenture Dublin and Northern Trust Limerick and out webinar series will continue into 2025.

Upcoming events include:

  • Tuesday 7th January 2025 GaIN Dublin hosted by AccentureRegister HERE
  • Tuesday 14th January 2025 GaIN Limerick hosted by Northern TrustRegister HERE

Recent event:

For more information or to join our mailing list, please contact aisling.fleming@dcu.ie