DCU Institute of Education
Research Interests and Expertise
Please see school research interests and contacts below:
- Associate Dean for Research: Dr Maura Coulter
- Chair of Postgraduate Studies by Research: Dr Majella McSharry
- Senior Research Administration: Patrícia Cálão
- Research Development Officer: Dr Tríona O'Hanlon
- Research Convenor, School of Arts Education & Movement: Dr Francis Ward
- Research Convenor, School of Human Development: Dr Anne Marie Kavanagh
- Research Convenor, School of Inclusive & Special Education: Dr Neil Kenny
- Research Convenor, School of Language, Literacy & Early Childhood Education: Dr Therese Farrell
- Research Convenor, School of Policy & Practice: Dr Audrey Doyle
- Research Convenor, School of STEM Education, Innovation & Global Studies: Prof Hamsa Venkat