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DCU Changemaker Schools Network

Principles of Engagement

Principles of Engagement in the DCU CSN

Principles of Engagement DCU CSN


The DCU CSN is a professional learning network or community which seeks to collaborate to build social capital, improve the learning of our children, the culture of our schools and to circulate the knowledge and innovations in our DCU Changemaker Schools.


Our collaboration aims to support transformation in our schools and is evidence informed with a focus on collaborative enquiry.


Our Network is foregrounded in the ethics of care and solidarity, with deep sensitivity to the contexts of our schools, the systems in which they work and the demands of both the schools and the University.


Our Network is underpinned by the values of trust, collegiality, respect, mutual interest, and fun


Underpinning the Network are the following philosophies:

  • Collaborative professionalism (high trust, high precision) here teachers are supported to have strong relationships with each other- considering geographical constraints. Teachers are supported to trust each other, take risks, and make mistakes. There are also tools, coaching , feedback, planning and review that support practical action and continuous improvement of the work undertaken together,

  • Supporting Teacher led COP’s- enabling the Network to be run and informed by the teachers themselves ,

  • Supporting Rural collaborative planning networks,

  • Having a structured and planned approach to engagement,

  • Embracing wider purposes of learning and human development, 

  • Being embedded in teachers and leaders everyday work practices, 

  • Having challenged and respectful dialogue about improvement,

  • Collaborating with children in all we do,

  • Integrate formal and informal collaboration opportunities, 

  • Enable people to collaborate in their own way, and support self-initiated school collaborations,

  • Respect for each school and their journey,

  • Highlighting and sharing what works and what matters.



We work collaboratively

We work collaboratively