DCU Changemaker Network header
DCU Changemaker Schools Network

Primary School Programme

Changemaker School

DCU Changemaker Schools Network

In most cases DCU Changemaker Schools are nominated to the DCU CSN team by our stakeholders in the education system.

Should you wish to be considered as a DCU Changemaker School or to nominate a school, please do not hesitate to contact us at dcucsn@dcu.ie

When nominated a DCU Changemaker School, your school becomes part of the DCU community. Your school will have the opportunity to work in a professional learning community of schools, to support your school and the students in the DCU Institute of Education (DCU IoE).


Do you know a Changemaker School?

We are hoping to have a Network of 50 schools by 2025.

If you would like to nominate a school  please email: dcucsn@dcu.ie or fiona.collins@dcu.ie

As you explore the website, you will learn more about the DCU CSN and the nomination process, but please do not hesitate to contact us.


When you become nominated as a DCU Changemaker School you are invited to free CPD, conferences and symposia at the University.

If schools wish, they can engage with research to enhance their pedaogy and practice.

Buyt, most of all, you get to work and meet with other schools.


When nominated as a DCU Changemaker School, schools are invited to do the following where possible for the school:

  • Develop a Change Team, 
  • Develop a Community of Practice in their school,
  • Support one or two Change Leaders to act as a point of contact,
  • Develop a DCU Changemaker Schools Plan,
  • Support the identity of students as Changemakers,
  • Network with other schools,
  •  Attend all CPD organised by the University, 
  • Develop their school as a research hub,
  • Engage in research,
  • Showcase their work at conferences and symposia,
  • Host students on professional placement,
  • Host international delegates.

All schools are on a journey as DCU Changemaker Schools. School engage in a way that works for them. There is no onus to engage in all of the above.






Provisional Schedule for Schools Next year 2024-2025



1. 4 CPD sessions for Change Leaders and Principals in DCU / 2 groups of 14. This will be held in October/November

2. Conference in DCU Feb 2025

3, Online CPD session for Change Leaders and Principals to follow on from session in Oct/Nov in  April

4. School visit (Date and Location to be decided - maybe Galway!!!) This will be in May 2025

5. Change Leader peer-to-peer learning session with current and new schools- online