Universal Design for Learning Further Reading & Resources
Introduction to UDL by AHEAD (video)
CAST UDL Guidelines (interactive web resource)
Novak, K. (2017) "UDL Implementation: It takes a village" 2017 AHEAD conference key note. Presentation addresses the WHAT, WH"Y and HOW of Universal Design for Learning principles in practice. (Video, 47 minutes).
Ralabatte, P. (2016) Step-by Step Lesson Planning Using Universal Design for Learning (Webinar)
Dr. Patti Ralabate walks you through the process of applying UDL to effective lesson planning.
Rose, D.H., Gravel, J.W., & Gordon, D. (2014). Universal design for learning. In L. Florian (Ed.) SAGE handbook of special education, 2nd Ed (pp. 475-491). London: SAGE. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781446282236.n30
ThinkUDL is a podcast where we hear from the people who are designing and implementing strategies for UDL in post-secondary settings with learner variability in mind.
'If Equity is a Priority, UDL is a Must' Cult of Pedagogy Podcast episode where Katie Novak and Mirko Chardin leading UDL expert, discusses UDL from the perspective of equality and inclusive education. https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/udl-equity/
UDL in 15 Minutes: is a U.S. based podcast hosted by Loui Lord Nelson where educators share their implementation of Universal Design for Learning.
Takacs, S., Zhang, J., Lee, H. (2020). Universal Design for Learning: Strategies for Blended and Online Learning. Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Innovation. Justice Institute of British Columbia
Lowney R. & Stone S. (2020) Technology-supported assessment exemplars.
An Open Educational Resource (OER) developed as part of the Enabling Digital Teaching & Learning project. Offers case studies and exemplars of technology-supported assessments to spark your imagination around offering choice for students in assessment. (Google document - OER available under creative commons licensing).
UDL Research in 15 Minutes podcast is where researchers share their findings about the implementation, the impact, and their investigations of the Universal Design for Learning framework.
National Center on Universal Design for Learning (2011) UDL Principles and Practice is a suite of videos created to demonstrate what UDL looks like in a classroom. While the examples are taken from Grade 1 - Grade 6 in the U.S. education system, the brief videos offer you vivid examples of UDL in practice which may be useful in helping you to understand UDL.
David Kennedy, School of Human Development Engaging Students Through Asynchronous Teaching. David draws on UDL principles in redesigning a face-to-face module for online delivery.
Technology-Supported Assessment Exemplars is an Open Educational Resource (OER), crowd-sourced by the Teaching Enhancement Unit as part of the Enabling Digital Teaching and Learning (EDTL) project. The resource offers examples of 'alternative' technology-supported assessments to the traditional exam and written assignment including Vlogs, ePortfolios, animation, video creation and creating an infographic.
Acknowledgement: Thanks to Karen Buckley, School of Special and Inclusive Education and Tracy Galvin, QUB for generously sharing UDL resources included in this section. This section will evolve over time so check back for updates and please feel free to email the TEU with suggestions for inclusion e: teaching.enhancement@dcu.ie