President's Award Winners for Excellence in Teaching 2018
Teaching Support Category
Willie O’Sullivan, Information Systems
"Willie is an integral part of the successful working of the ISS service desk and knows how to apply this knowledge in a busy work environment. He understands clearly that he is dealing with people first and technical issues second and on numerous occasions we have received very positive feedback from academics regarding his performance.”
"He has earned huge respect across the entire university for his handling of the previously-aging AV equipment and helping to ensure that interruption in classes due to AV issues were minimised."
Team Award
Next Generation Management (NGM) Team, DCUBS - Maura McAdam, Grace Fox, Terry O’Brien, Gerry Conyngham, Jennifer Farrell, Jona Kalemi
“Some of the activities and qualities where I believe the NGM Team really demonstrated teaching excellence include: Passion and enthusiasm for the subject area they were teaching. Feedback on assignments that pointed out areas for improvement. Teaching strategies that encouraged creativity and critical thinking. Empathy, encouragement and understanding to all students.”
“The NGM module is valued hugely by alumni, employers, and external bodies. The aim is to develop meta-cognitive skills that allow students to become innovative, critical thinkers as well as adaptive, flexible and pro-active in the management of projects.”
Special Award for Distinctive Approaches to Teaching
Dr Ciarán Dunne, School of Applied Languages & Intercultural Studies
“It was one lecture that after completion, I felt I really understood and can take the knowledge with me throughout life and that was all down to Ciarán Dunne. I also had him for LC116 and he was equally exceptional in that so I know he is genuinely passionate about teaching. It makes a huge difference for the students.”
“He is an excellent lecturer who is engaged with the students. He is able to make everyone comfortable and encourage participation, critical thinking, and interest in what is discussed.”
Special Award for Distinctive Approaches to Assessment Feedback
Dr Justin Rami, School of Policy & Practice
“Justin teaches on the module assessment and feedback and his entire approach to the teaching of this module is consistent with the principles of constructivist learning. Students on this module learn by doing: they design, implement and critique their own and their peers’ assessment throughout the course of the module.”
“He continually encourages and facilitates meaningful one-to-one feedback with students during and after the module. Justin believes in the transformative power of education and the need for educators to act as models of good practice.”
Special Award for Distinctive Innovation in Teaching
Dr Dónal O’Brien, DCUBS
“The combination of team work, reflective practice, technology usage and subject expertise makes the ‘Global Virtual Teams’ module truly unique. All business schools and participants were aligned in terms of learning objectives, assessments and delivery. When you factor in the geographic spread of these universities, time differences and cultural nuances this was a considerable feat.”
“Dónal was very engaged with the module and his enthusiasm for it rubbed off on us students. He was always fully prepared for lectures and managed to seamlessly integrate a new module into INTB final year.”
New Lecturer/Tutor Category
Dr Jules Gaspard, School of Law & Government
“I am nominating Jules because he has made both my first and second semester so easy to enjoy. I honestly look forward to his lecture every week. I initially viewed it as a tedious chore to be learning about the American Political System, but I soon realised that Jules' method of teaching, charisma and passion would make me love the subject.”
“His seminars were consistently engaging, full of variety and always thought provoking. Gaspard will affect many students’ views on the world of politics in its many forms due to his compelling style of lecturing.”
“Enjoyable classes, sharp suits and positivity - what more is needed!”
Overall Winner for the President’s Awards in Teaching Excellence 2017/2018
Dr Aisling De Paor, School of Law & Government
“Life as a law student in DCU would not be the same without Aisling! Her dedication is astounding and her enthusiasm enthralling, but it is how much she cares about her students and their success that sets her apart. Her teaching is the epitome of excellence!”
“It is clear from the extra time and effort that Aisling puts in that she has a clear passion for the bettering of her students and is something that pushes and encourages her students to gain marks higher than they might have thought they were capable of achieving.”
“Aisling is a motivational and inspirational lecturer, one who encourages and promotes self-development in the lecture hall and outside. This nomination was promoted by my desire for Aisling to receive this award in recognition of her tireless dedication to her students.”
“Myself and my group of friends lost one of our friends very tragically last year, and Aisling was such a tremendous support to us during and after that time. It was certainly not expected by anyone that Aisling would assume this role. She is no doubt a fantastic lecturer, but also a great person and her kindness and empathy is something I will always remember and be grateful for.”