Research on Practice

People Collaborating
- Foster a dynamic community of practice around issues of teaching and learning and technology enhanced learning among our colleagues across the university and its various partners.
- Undertake research in the areas of teaching and learning and technology enhanced learning that can inform best practice among academic staff and the wider higher education community.
The TEU offer support to colleagues in many ways when it comes to Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). We can offer informal pedagogical advice when planning research, we can offer support in the research itself being a "critical friend" reviewing a paper proposal or co-writing papers. We also offer advice when submitting an application for research funding for SoTL.
There are many examples of this to date.
This project developed support structures to help teaching teams to implement their ABC learning designs within the local Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
Funding Body: Erasmus Plus
This IUA led project aims to enhance the digital attributes and educational experiences of Irish university students through enabling the mainstream and integrated use of digital technologies for teaching and learning.
Using technology effectively to enhance and transform teaching and learning practices towards Education 4.0 Learning ecosystem.
Funding Body: Erasmus Plus
This multidisciplinary project involves activities aimed at promoting, nurturing and stimulating creative competence, confidence and expression among staff and students.
Funding Body: National Forum
A Teaching & Learning initiative concerned with upskilling, enabling and empowering academic staff to embed social innovation and entrepreneurship in their disciplines.
Funding Body: National Forum
To enhance the quality of teaching and learning processes that are based on the principles of academic integrity and supported by policies, mechanisms and tools that help prevent and detect cases of plagiarism in higher education institutions.
Funding Body: Erasmus Plus
National Forum Funded Project aimed to build digital literacy and engagement for students and teachers.
The aim of this T&L initiative is to develop technical e-learning expertise and knowledge of e-learning pedagogies within schools across each of the Faculties at DCU.
Funding Body: National Forum
The project developed support structures to help teaching teams to implement their ABC learning designs within the local Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
Funding Body: Erasmus Plus
This IUA led project aims to enhance the digital attributes and educational experiences of Irish university students through enabling the mainstream and integrated use of digital technologies for teaching and learning.
Funding Body: HEA
Using technology effectively to enhance and transform teaching and learning practices towards Education 4.0 Learning ecosystem.
Funding Body: Erasmus Plus
Fostering Staff and Student Creativity
This multidisciplinary project involves activities aimed at promoting, nurturing and stimulating creative competence, confidence and expression among staff and students.
Funding Body: National Forum
From Passion to Action: Student Social Innovation (SSI)
A Teaching & Learning initiative concerned with upskilling, enabling and empowering academic staff to embed social innovation and entrepreneurship in their disciplines.
Funding Body: National Forum
To enhance the quality of teaching and learning processes that are based on the principles of academic integrity and supported by policies, mechanisms and tools that help prevent and detect cases of plagiarism in higher education institutions.
Funding Body: Erasmus Plus
Technology Enhanced Learning: What works and why?
National Forum Funded Project aimed to build digital literacy and engagement for students and teachers.
Funding Body: National Forum
Training the trainers: development of school-based online and blended learning expertise
The aim of this T&L initiative is to develop technical e-learning expertise and knowledge of e-learning pedagogies within schools across each of the Faculties at DCU.
Funding Body: National Forum
E-portfolios and reflective learning
Project in partnership with the DCU Business School, Institute of Education and the School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health to integrate the use of reflective learning and eportfolios into the curriculum.
Funding Body: National Forum
Promoting Student Engagement in Large Class Environments
In partnership with the Faculty of Humanities and the DCU Business School this initiative explores strategies to encourage student engagement in large undergraduate classes.
Funding Body: National Forum
Professional Development of Off-campus Mentors
In partnership with the Institute of Education the aim of this project is to design and develop an innovative, Blended Mentoring Module accredited at NFQ Level 9, which will be available to Associate Staff mentoring DCU students out on practice.
Funding Body: National Forum
E-portfolios and reflective learning
Project in partnership with the DCU Business School, Institute of Education and the School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health to integrate the use of reflective learning and eportfolios into the curriculum.
Funding Body: National Forum
This T&L initiative is a computer science (CS) pedagogy project that involves collating current state of the art CS pedagogy and a collaborate, exploratory approach with the School of Computing lecturers to see how it can inform future teaching strategies.
Funding Body: National Forum
Engineering design curriculum renewal through challenge based learning
Project in partnership with the engineering faculty. This T&L initiative is designed to develop capabilities and resources to support challenge based learning as a central theme of the senior and postgraduate years of our taught engineering programmes.
Funding Body: National Forum
ide3a is a collaborative project in the higher education sector involving a multidisciplinary and international consortium.
Funding Body: Erasmus Plus
Practice Based Learning in the Social Sciences
The project seeks to expand these teaching and assessment methods across the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences to improve the employability and workplace readiness of graduates.
Funding Body: National Forum
Promoting Student Engagement in Large Class Environments
In partnership with the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences and the DCU Business School this initiative explores strategies to encourage student engagement in large undergraduate classes.
Funding Body: National Forum
National Forum Funded Project to empower staff across programmes and institutions to engage in meaningful and creative professional development through structured peer dialogue and support.
Funding Body: National Forum
Project in partnership with the School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health to develop transnational online course targeted at qualified nursing practitioners.
Funding Body: Erasmus Plus
E-portfolios and reflective learning
Project in partnership with the DCU Business School, Institute of Education and the School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health to integrate the use of reflective learning and eportfolios into the curriculum.
Funding Body: National Forum
The TEU are members of a wide variety of professional networks (a selection of which are listed below). This enables the TEU to draw on expertise from these networks to support colleagues that may be undertaking research into their teaching while at the same time use these networks to disseminate research findings of the various projects that we support.
SEDA is the professional association for staff and educational developers in the UK, promoting innovation and good practice in higher education. SEDA is seen by many as the shaper of thought and initiator of action in staff and educational development, not only in the UK but in the international domain also.
SEDA can offer you and your university the opportunity to be part of a national network of people engaged in staff and educational development. This allows you to keep abreast of good practice and policy initiatives, while playing a part in shaping the future and contributing to national debate.
The Further Education Network (Ireland) is a Facebook-promoted group that advises of meetings and events relevant to further education.
The All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE) is an independent, membership-based professional society dedicated to the promotion of good practice in learning and teaching throughout the island of Ireland. It represents the academic community across disciplines and communities of practice and also those who support learning and teaching in general. AISHE aims to provide a platform for critical dialogue and sustainable engagement in relation to the core concepts underpinning the very fabric of the Higher Education Community throughout the island of Ireland.
Learning technology is the broad range of communication, information and related technologies that can be used to support learning, teaching, and assessment.
ALT is the UK's leading membership organisation in the learning technology field.
Our purpose is to ensure that use of learning technology is effective and efficient, informed by research and practice, and grounded in an understanding of the underlying technologies, their capabilities and the situations into which they are placed.
ALT do this by improving practice, promoting research, and influencing policy.