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Teaching Enhancement Unit

Short Courses

Teaching and Learning Fundamentals for Tutors and Demonstrators

Teaching Team Co-ordinators: Clare Gormley and Rob Lowney

TEU Co-facilitators: Lily Girme, Maeve O'Dwyer, Noeleen O'Keeffe, Steve Welsh 




Are you a DCU postgraduate tutor/demonstrator looking to elevate your teaching skills?

If you’re eager to create engaging, impactful learning experiences for your students, this practical course is designed just for you.

The purpose of this short course is to introduce postgraduate students working as tutors and demonstrators to a range of practical approaches to teaching, learning and assessment. 

This course will equip you with the essential tools and knowledge to:

  • Grasp Constructive Alignment to seamlessly connect learning outcomes, assessment tasks, and teaching activities
  • Craft Engaging Class Plans that engage your students and facilitate deep understanding
  • Provide Effective Grading and Feedback for fair and informative assessment, with constructive feedback and feedforward for students
  • Embrace Reflective Practice, cultivating a habit of self-reflection to continuously improve your teaching methods