Universal Design for Learning Badge
For several years the National Forum for Teaching and Learning in partnership with AHEAD, has offered a short course and digital badge on Universal Design for Learning. This course, designed collaboratively by AHEAD and UCD's Access & Lifelong Learning, supports staff to engage with the concept of Universal Design for Learning through a range of individual and group learning activities. The course learning outcomes for participants are outlined as follows:
- Reflect on the diversity of students in your context
- Gain a understanding of the Universal Design for Learning framework and how it can support diverse learners
- Redesign an element/s of teaching, learning and assessment practice based on UDL principles
- Consider how to change teaching, learning and assessment practice more broadly in line with a UDL approach
The course involves roughly 25 hours of commitment with the vast majority of that time independent learning. A "triad" support structure is used for this course where every participant is paired up with two other participants from the course. The course is structured in such a way to ensure members of the triad can both support and learn from each throughout the course. In Spring 2025, the Teaching Enhancement Unit will roll out the next local instance of this course for staff at DCU.
The course will run from mid-March to Late May. Register your interest here.