TEU Update February 20 2025

What should be the Future Roadmap for Supporting Staff and Students?
Date: Tuesday, 4th March
Time: 2.00pm- 3.30pm
Place: Glasnevin Campus, DG10, Bea Orpen Building
This workshop welcomes all staff to review DCU's existing resources that support students and staff in upholding Academic Integrity in teaching, learning, and assessments. It also invites participants to share and discuss challenges, further needs and resources required to continue fostering academic integrity. Discussions will cover academic integrity in the era of Generative AI, as well as the broader concept of academic integrity. Moreover, thoughts, comments, and ideas shared in the workshop will help shape topics for future workshops and resources on academic integrity. Please take this opportunity to share your insights and needs to help us provide more tailored support in return. As this is an in-person session, space is limited. Register at this link.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to email samantha.xu@dcu.ie.

In Spring 2025, the TEU will be facilitating a UDL Badge course locally for DCU staff. There will be a combination of short learning modules available via Loop, weekly peer meetings (via Zoom), and at the end of the course, you will submit a proposal for the redesign of a learning activity. Participants who complete the course will be awarded a digital badge recognized by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning.
For more info on the content of the UDL badge course, see this page. The course will run from mid-March to Late May. Register your interest here.

Weds 26 February 2pm-3pm (online)
Join us at this online session where we’ll learn about the student engagement tool Vevox, which can be used during on-campus, Zoom or hybrid classes.
As we prepare our students for upcoming exams, Vevox can be a great tool for engaging students during class to check their levels of comprehension in real time. Engagement tools like Vevox can also empower students to contribute when they may feel reluctant to do so verbally. Additionally, Vevox could also be used for fun polling activities like word clouds, to quiz students during lecture, and to facilitate Q&A, which can be particularly useful in managing large classes. More information about Vevox is available in this resource on the Loop Staff Support Page.
Registration is essential. This session will be recorded and circulated afterwards.

Thurs 27 February 2:00pm-2:45pm
The Loop Team is piloting an experimental quiz question generator that leverages an AI technology to create quiz questions in Loop based on simple prompts from the lecturer. This technology can both aid in the generation of quality quiz questions as well as streamline the process of populating quizzes in Loop, thus saving the lecturer the time of manual question creation. You can see an overview of how this simple-to-use tool works in this document. We will be holding an online orientation session for lecturers interested in experimenting with the tool on Thursday 27th February from 2pm-2:45pm. (Attendees can join remotely via Zoom, or in person the Bea Orpen building on the Glasnevin campus in Room DG10.)
Registration is essential. This session will be recorded and circulated afterwards. (If you are unable to attend the session but interested in experimenting with the tool, please indicate so on the registration link.)

ECIU CBL Community of Practice
The next ECIU CBL Community of Practice event takes place (online) on Thursday February 27th at 2p.m. In these events, participants follow the Reflective Team approach: a ‘Presenter’ illustrates a sticky issue and asks the “Team” for help with a specific question; the “Team” reflect on the case, sharing their own experiences, making suggestions for actions and concrete proposals to address the issue, the Presenter listens but does not join in the discussion; during the “Debrief” the Presenter identifies which proposals they might implement in their next CBL experience.
This month, Teresa Sordé Martí from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona will present on the topic of “Integrating Assessment of Social Impact in CBL Processes”. If you are interested in attending, please register here and you will receive the meeting link.
ECIU CBL/MM Discussion Event
Each semester, ECIU partner universities facilitate an online event discussion. This semester, the event will be hosted by Linköping University, in collaboration with INSA, and will take place on February 25th from 12 noon to 1 p.m. Following a welcome from Dr Jan Axelsson (LiU), Katja Auffret (Director of the Centre for Innovation and Didactic design at INSA Toulouse) will present on her experience of collaborating with external stakeholders and challenge providers. If you are interested on attending this event, please register here and the link will be forwarded.

The ‘Conversations on Academic Integrity Drop In Sessions' is running every Wednesday from 12pm-1pm. The sessions will provide an opportunity for staff to discuss academic integrity in their planning for teaching, learning and assessment with our academic integrity officer. Topics can include anything related to Academic Integrity or GenAI and its impact on Academic Integrity. These conversations may be particularly helpful for Programme Chairs but are open to all staff. You can also get in touch before the session by contacting samantha.xu@dcu.ie.
Details can be found in the TEU Events Calendar with a Zoom link.

If you require assistance or guidance with teaching and learning or Loop related matters, avail of the below methods.
Support for technical issues
For Loop technical queries, go to help.dcu.ie. You can also attend one of our regular online Loop drop in clinics, details in the TEU calendar. The drop in clinics are particularly useful for more complex queries. The Loop Staff Support Page also provides a comprehensive range of resources on Loop and Zoom. For new users, the enrolment key for this page is ‘staff’.
Advice on using technology for Teaching and Learning
If you are looking for advice on developing your teaching practice, including but not limited to the application of technology, please contact the TEU team teaching.enhancement@dcu.ie. We will endeavour to respond to you as soon as possible.
Consultancy request form
Interested in requesting a workshop or more extended consultation on a specific topic? Use this consultancy request form.
TEU mailing list
Going forward, the TEU newsletter and other updates will be issued to the academic staff mail group. Anyone else who wishes to receive our communications, please follow this link and click “Join Group” to be added to our mailing list. This is particularly important if you wish to receive updates on Loop related communications; professional development opportunities such as Advance HE supported journey, etc.