SATLE Funded Projects

SATLE – the Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement Funding in Higher Education – is a funding allocation administered by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education in partnership with the Higher Education Authority to drive teaching and learning innovation and enhancement across the higher education sector. The current funding focuses on three themes of innovations in education for sustainable development, digital transformation and academic integrity.
In 2023/2024, DCU welcomed proposals from both academic and professional support areas across the University aligned with the above SATLE themes. There were two rounds of proposals - Round 1 in Semester 2 2022/23 and Round 2 in Semester 1 2023/24.
Round 1
Funding was awarded in Semester 2 of the academic year 2022/2023. Details of the outputs of the projects listed below and funded under this round will be shared here soon.
Sharing expertise, upholding academic integrity - An initiative from members of the School of AEM - Dr Annie Ó Breacháin, Dr Frances Murphy, Dr Michael Flannery and Dr Marie Louise Bowe, School of Arts Education and Movement.
Digital Health Hub - Dr Catriona Murphy, Dr Pamela Hussey, and Dr Claire Timon, School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health.
“Talking the Talk” - Developing Interactive Oral Assessment to reimagine inclusive, authentic assessment that promotes Academic Integrity - Karen Buckley, Eoin Crossen, Dr Orna Farrell and Dr Paula Lehane, School of Inclusive and Special Education, DCUSU, School of Policy & Practice.
How should we revise our assessment methods in political science/IR considering the impact of open AI (artificial intelligence) - Dr Paola Rivetti, Rituparna Banerjee, School of Law & Government, School of Communications, SALIS.
Upgrading a computer laboratory to enable hybrid teaching - Dr Karsten Fleischer, Ray Murphy and Dr Eilish McLoughlin, School of Physical Sciences.
Individualising virtual labs and loop/moodle assignments – Dr Stephen Power, Dr Karsten Fleischer and Dr Eilish McLoughlin, School of Physical Sciences.
Cloud-GPU-access. Providing remote cloud-based High-Performance computing access for students using their own devices in a BYOD environment - Ray Murphy and Dr Karsten Fleischer, School of Physical Sciences.
Development of a streamlined workflow for creation of eXtended Reality (XR) content - Dr Nigel Kent and Dr David Kinahan, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering.
IRISH ‘dIgital tRansformation In Skills teacHing’ - Dr Daniela Lehwaldt, Patrick Doyle and Justin Dawson, School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health.
Practices of Restoration for Approaching Academic Misconduct (PReAM) - Rob Lowney, Eoin Crossen, Lily Girme, TEU & DCUSU.
Artificial intelligence, Assessment and Academic Integrity - Dr Orna Farrell, IoE.
Pedagogy for Higher Education Large Classes (PHELC) Symposium - Anne Marie Farrell & Dr Anna Logan, IoE.
Building capacity for outdoor learning ESD practices in teacher education - Dr Orla Kelly, IoE.
Universal Design for Learning Hackathon and Community of Practice Launch - Sandra McCormack, Aoife McNicholl and Trevor Boland, Office of Student Life and Disability & Learning Support Service.
Round 2
Funding was awarded to the following under the three themes as outlined above:
Extending and enhancing the Loop Planner tool - Rob Lowney, Noeleen O’Keeffe, TEU.
Woodwork for sustainability - Dr Sandra O'Neill, Nicola O'Reilly, LLECE.
Enhancing cognitive engagement with quizzes for language learning - Dr Gearóidín Uí Laighléis, Rob Lowney, Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge.
Collaborative project between the Institute of Education and the Faculty of Science and Health: Implementing a custom-built VR system to support students’ professional learning: A cross faculty initiative - Dr Alan Gorman, Institute of Education and the Faculty of Science and Health.
Virtual Reality demonstrations to support solid state physics - Dr. Stephen Power, Prof. Enda McGlynn, School of Physical Sciences.
Support to fund the sixth Pedagogy for Higher Education Large Classes (PHELC) Symposium 2024 - Dr Anna Logan, Ann Marie Farrell, School of Inclusive & Special Education.
The Next-Gen Club: Family Business Education for Sustainable Development - Dr Catherine Faherty, Dr Eric Clinton, Business School.
A think tank to explore the challenges presented by Gen AI in a final year Research Project - Dr Tara Concannon-Gibney, Clare Gormley, Dr Francis Ward, LLECE.
Activating Active Learning: A multidisciplinary hackathon for staff - Clare Gormley, Lily Girme, TEU.
Enhancing Teaching and Learning of Data Literacy and Analytics Module (CA179) Using Co-creation of Formative and Summative Assessments - Dr Yalemisew M. Abgaz, School of Computing.
Academic Integrity: Developing of an updated suite of digital learning materials supporting students’ knowledge and understanding of plagiarism and citing and referencing - Lisa Callaghan, Ellen Breen, DCU Library.
Outcomes and Indicators of Success in First Year Calculus - Assist. Prof Sinead Breen, Prof Brien Nolan, School of Mathematical Sciences.
CARE (Connecting teAching Rooms tEchnology) - Patrick Doyle, The Clinical Education Centre staff, the School's Senior Technical Officers and the School's Undergraduate Convenor, School of Nursing, Psychotherapy & Community Health.
Advancing Biomedical Engineering Education through the Integration of Virtual Labs - Dr Tanya Levingstone, Dr Owen Clarkin, Keith Hickey, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering.
Training Academics in Restorative Practices (TARP) - Rob Lowney, Eoin Crossen, Lily Girme, Samantha Xu, TEU/DCU SU.
An investigation into the effectiveness of in-person and online interventions to support student engagement in the evidencing of transversal skills as part of DCU Futures - Dr Enda Whyte, Dr Aoife Burke, Dr Donnla O’Hagan, School of Health and Human Performance.
"EcoLoop: Empowering Sustainable Learning" – Integrating Loop-based sustainability practices and assessment across the University curriculum - Assist. Prof Brian Freeland, Dr Keith Rochfort, Dr Jennifer Gaughran, Dr Susan Kelleher, Dr Samantha Fahy, Dr Mehreen Mahmud, Adam Murphy, Assist. Prof Alex Eustace, Dr Damien King, Assist. Prof Federico Cerrone, School of Biotechnology, School of Nursing, School of Physics, School of Chemical Sciences.
Moral issues surrounding the use of ChatGPT (and other generative large language models) - Dr Meredith Plug,Dr. Fiachra O’Brolchain, School of Music, Theology and Philosophy.
Digital Edge II - Dr Mairéad Nic Giolla Mhichíl, TEU & SSD.
Round 3
2024 SATLE Project Funding was awarded to the following projects under the three themes:
Teaching for our Future: The Role of the External Stakeholder in Challenge Based Learning within Initial Teacher Education (ITE) - Dr Sabrina Fitzsimons, Dr Elaine McDonald, DCU CREATE, School of Policy and Practice.
Enhancing Teacher Education to Meet the Needs of Multilingual/Multicultural Learners: The Design of an Open Source Training Initiative - Dr Inmaculada Gómez Soler, School of Applied Language & Intercultural Studies.
Enhancing Teaching and Learning of Data Literacy and Analytics Module (CSC1015) Using Co-creation of Formative and Summative Assessments: Phase II - Dr Yalemisew Abgaz, School of Computing.
High-Fidelity Assessment Simulation Training for Chronic Disease Management (HiFAST-CDM) - Dr Amanda Drury, Dr Gillian Paul, Ms Anne Kirwan, Dr Leona Bannon, School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health.
Co-constructing teaching and assessment of academic integrity in partnership with students - Dr Sinéad McNally, Dr Marlene McCormack , Ms Gráinne McKenna, Dr Geraldine French, School of Language Literacy and Early Childhood Education.
Soil Story: Building Relationships with nature - Dr Marlene McCormack, Dr. Geraldine French, School of Language Literacy and Early Childhood Education.
Student Cybersecurity Module Development in Loop - Mr Ian Spillane, Student Digital Experience.
THRIVE-VR: Transforming HealthcaRe Education: Innovations in Virtual Reality for
Enhanced Nursing Competence - Dr Ciara White, Ms. Anne Kirwan, Dr. Amanda Drury, School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health. -
Promoting Academic Integrity in History and Geography - Dr Celeste McNamara, School of History and Geography.
Review of Assessment Practices in the IoE, DCU - Dr Ann Marie Farrell School of Inclusive and Special Education, Ms Miriam Ryan School of STEM Education, Innovation and Global Studies.
ANEAS: Ábaltacht, Nuálaíocht agus Éirim san Intleacht Shaorga (Ability, Innovation and Capability in the age of AI) Don’t let things go south because of AI - Dr Eoghan Mac Conall Óig, Dr Conchúr Mac Lochlann, Dr Seán Mac Risteaird, Dr Emer Ní Bhrádaigh, Dr Padraig Ó Catháin, Dr Mícheál J. Ó Meachair, Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge.
Open-IC: An evaluation of Open Hardware for Microelectronic System Design, Fabrication and Test - Dr Donnacha Lowney, Dr. Xiaojun Wang, Dr. Rajani Vijayaraghavan, School of Electronic Engineering.
The Social Impact of AI - SOCIAI (pronounced so-see-a-i) - Dr Marcos Dias, School of Communications.
Resonant Grounds: Queering Peace and Activism Through Creativity-A Week-Long Residency with Mx. Yaffa - Ms Fiona Murphy, Mr Jean-Phillippe Imbert, School of Applied Language & Intercultural Studies
Digital Transformation of Undergraduate Teaching Labs: Enhancing Understanding
and Application of Laboratory Skills - Dr Alex Eustace, Dr Naomi Walsh, School of Biotechnology. -
Integrating GenAI in Irish Language Pedagogy: Best Practices in the Bachelor of
Education in Gaeilge and French, or German, or Spanish (BEdLan) - An Dr Seán Mac Risteaird, Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge, Dr Orna Farrell School of Policy and Practice. -
Mapping and Enhancing Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Engineering Education in DCU - Dr Owen Clarkin, Dr Tanya Levingstone School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Jennifer Foster School of Computing.
EcoLoop 2.0: Empowering Sustainable Change by evaluating EcoLoop’s Educational & Environmental Impact - Dr Brian Freeland, Dr Keith Rochfort, Dr Alex Eustace, Dr Damien King, Dr Federico Cerrone, Graham Dodrill, School of Biotechnology; Dr Jennifer Gaughran, School of Physical Sciences; Dr Susan Kelleher, Dr Aoife Morrin, School of Chemical Sciences; Dr Louise Hopper, School of Psychology, Samantha Fahy, Sustainability Manager, Dr Mehreen Mahmud G4L team project manager.
Integrating and Measuring Sustainable Development Goals in Psychology Futures Programmes supported by sustainable assessment practices - Dr Louise Hopper, Dr Emma Delemere, Dr Lorraine Boran, Dr Darragh McCashin, School of Psychology.
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Digital Methods Repository - Dr James Fitzgerald, School of Law and Government.
ESD@FSH CoP (FSH Education for Sustainable Development Community of Practice) - Dr Emma Coyle, School of Chemical Sciences.
Using a virtual reality environment to enhance teaching and learning about 3D chemical structure (StereoAI) - Dr Emma Coyle, Dr Aoife Morrin School of Chemical Sciences.
Moral considerations relating to the use of ChatGPT (and other generative large
language models (“LLM’s”)) - Dr Meredith Plug, Dr. Fiachra O’Brolcháin, School of Theology, Philosophy and Music.