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Teaching Enhancement Unit

President's Awards for Excellence in Teaching | Evaluation

Evaluation and Selection Process

All nominations are evaluated by an evaluation panel made up of a sub group of Associate Deans, external evaluator from another third level institution and DCU’s President.  DCU’s Faculties and relevant units are represented. The evaluation process is described below:

Academic and New Lecturer categories

In the case of these two categories, a shortlisting process is employed.


Shortlisting is carried out by a group comprising the Deputy Registrar/Dean of Teaching and Learning, Associate Deans for Teaching and Learning/Education (one from each Faculty) and the Head of the Teaching Enhancement Unit. Shortlisting is based on the nominations received, so it is important to include as much pertinent information as possible in the original nomination. Those shortlisted will be invited to proceed to stage two of the evaluation process by completing a Google Form to support their nomination and to further illustrate their teaching approaches.

Final Evaluation and Selection

The shortlisted nominations are evaluated by a sub group as indicated above.


Teams and Doctoral Supervision

Teams and Doctoral supervisors nominated will be asked to complete a Google Form.


Teaching Support Category

Nominations for this category are evaluated on the basis of nominations received only. No additional information will be sought from nominees and there is no shortlisting process.



There will be an overall award winner in each of the five categories. In addition, at the discretion of the evaluation panel, up to two additional special awards may be made. 


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