DCU Teaching Enhancement Unit (TEU) header
Teaching Enhancement Unit

Peer Observation of Teaching

Peer Observation of Teaching (POT) offers an efficient and effective way for academics to engage in authentic professional development.  The approach is designed as a collaborative partnership between two academics who observe each other's synchronous and/or asynchronous practice, with the support of the TEU.  Participants offer each other constructive feedback, reflect on their approach based on both what was observed and their colleague’s feedback. The benefits of peer observation are often cited as improving teaching practice; enhancing commitment to teaching; confidence-building among staff; increased awareness of students’ needs in the classroom and the transformation of teachers' educational perspectives. Benefits accrue to both observer and observee, and for both novice and experienced teachers. 

Peer Observation in Teaching

The Peer Observation of Teaching (POT) in DCU

The TEU offers a structured POT process supported by an academic developer. For more information on this please contact teaching.enhancement@dcu.ie or clare.gormley@dcu.ie.

I think the process worked very well, the guidance notes were clear and the pre and post meeting opportunities really settled my nerves. I felt very safe and supported throughout the experience and I would strongly consider doing it again in the future.



In this Cross-Institutional Peer Observation episode of the Tea for Teaching podcast, you can listen to Anna Logan, Ann Marie Farrell, and Martina Crehan discuss a cross-institutional, cross-disciplinary peer observation process.

Peer Observation for Teaching (POT) Documentation

Literature Review
Literature Scoping Review
Please click here for the Peer Observation of Teaching Literature Review.
User Guide Icon
Please click here for the Peer Observation of Teaching User Guide.