Lunchtime Seminars 2008 | Learning Innovation Unit

Lunchtime Seminars 2008

The aim of these seminars is to encourage the cross-fertilisation of ideas between Schools and to generate debate on subjects of campus-wide interest relating to teaching and learning. The seminar format consists of a presentation followed by questions and general discussion. The atmosphere is relaxed and lunch is provided.

We welcome presenters from all academic and support staff involved in teaching and learning. Please email for more information.

Date Seminar title Presenter(s)
February 14th       Student Inquiry Led First Year Physics Laboratory
Presentation slides (.pdf format)  
Paul van Kampen
February 20th      Experiences of Lecturers into the use of consultation time/feedback within the DCU academic calendar    Orla O’Reilly
March 13th    Manga, Anime & Videograms: An Interdisciplinary Initiative in Japanese Studies, Multimedia and Translation Studies
Presentation slides (.pdf format)  
Minako O’Hagan
March 27th   Using Songs to Encourage Reflection on Ethics
Presentation slides (.pdf format)  
Donal O’Mathuna
April 3rd   Design and Development of an Online Information Literacy Course/Tutorial    Ellen Breen
April 10th      The Benefits of using the De Bono Six Thinking Hats as an effective mediation Model in the Workplace   Trudy Corrigan
April 24th   The Benefits of Intergenerational Learning at Third Level     Trudy Corrigan
May 15th    Student Written, Instructor-Facililtated Case Writing (SWIF)     Theo Lynn
May 22nd    The BEST Programme: Lessons for Induction and Retention of Undergraduate Students    Billy Kelly
May 29th   eLife Connecting People Project   Margaret Farren and Yvonne Crotty