Loop | Teaching Enhancement Unit
Our online learning platform is called loop. Loop allows students to connect with course content, their teachers and fellow learners. It’s where students access their notes, participate in discussion fora, construct their ePortfolio and participate in webinars. Loop is an amalgamation of several different learning technologies into one platform. By creating this "brand" loop, we take the emphasis away from the individual technologies and their brands and concentrate on their pedagogical use.
Loop is an amalgamation of different learning technologies. To learn more click on the links below and to log into Loop, visit loop.dcu.ie
Loop Class is powered by the open source product 'Moodle' and is the virtual learning environment (or learning management system) used in DCU.
All DCU staff and students can access Loop Class by visiting loop.dcu.ie and logging in with their DCU account credentials.
Staff and students will have access to module pages (also called 'courses') for each of the modules that they are teaching or studying. They can see all of these pages listed in the Course Overview block of their Loop Dashboard. There are dedicated student support pages available within Loop Class. When logged in, browse to the top header menu and click "Support", and then choose either staff or student support. Here are also the direct links to the support pages:
If you have any queries or issues concerning Loop Class please raise a ticket via the ISS helpdesk
Staff members can also attend drop-in clinics across DCU to get assistance with particular Loop issues. Check the "" TEU calendar</a>
Loop Connect powered by "Zoom" is DCU's virtual classroom. A virtual classroom is an online environment that enables students and instructors to communicate synchronously using audio, video, text chat, interactive whiteboard, application sharing, instant polling etc. Loop Interact, powered by Zoom is the virtual classroom or live web-conferencing tool that is currently available in DCU and can be accessed via Loop.
To log into Loop Connect, visit dcu-ie.zoom.us
Loop Check powered by "Ouriginal" is DCU's text matching service . Every assignment that students submit is automatically tested by our "text matching" system. This system searches the internet and checks if the text that you have used is available anywhere on the internet. While using content from the internet is acceptable on occasion, you must ensure that you reference this content appropriately.
The similarity report produced on each report is available within Loop. To Log into Ouriginal directly please visit this link and choose the "single sign on" option
Loop Reflect, powered by the open source platform, "Mahara" is DCU's ePortfolio system. An ePortfolio is an electronic or digitised version of the conventional portfolio. ePortfolios are created by learners and are a collection of digital artefacts articulating educational experiences, reflections and achievements that are presented in a structured online format customised by the individual.
Access Loop Reflect via your Loop Dashboard on loop.dcu.ie