President's Awards for Excellence in Teaching | Nomination
Who can nominate?
Students/Alumni: Students and alumni can nominate individuals who they feel have made a significant and outstanding impact on their learning experience in DCU. Please note Doctoral Supervisors should be nominated under the Doctoral Supervision Award.
Colleagues: Individuals/teams can be nominated by colleagues with direct experience of the nominee's teaching, heads of school or anyone else who wishes to acknowledge their outstanding contributions to teaching and learning in DCU.
Nomination Process
Nominations can be made using the appropriate online form on the President's Awards page. Please note that up to two additional nominators can be included on a single nomination. Where a larger number of people wish to nominate an individual/team, multiple nominations should be made. Where an individual, for example, a Class Rep, wishes to nominate on behalf of a class this can be stated in the nomination however greater emphasis will be placed on nominations received by individual nominators rather than on behalf of a group. Each nominator and supporter(s) will receive an email acknowledging the nomination.
Guidelines when making a nomination
- Self-nomination is not permitted and canvassing for a nomination on one’s own behalf is strongly discouraged
- Nominations from current PhD students for their supervisors are not accepted in award categories other than the Doctoral Supervision award.
- The more specific information you can provide the better the nomination will be. Nominators should give examples of the impact, significance, difference the nominee has brought to their teaching. To achieve this carefully consider and answer the questions provided in the nomination form.