Learning Innovation Unit, Dublin City University: >Guidelines for completing DCU Module descriptors on Coursebuilder

Guidelines for completing DCU Module descriptors on Coursebuilder

Assessment tab

This tab has the following headings: Assessment Breakdown, Learning Outcomes Assessed by End of Academic Session Formal Examination, Indicative Coursework Breakdown, Resits and repeats and Resit Description.

Assessment Breakdown

Please provide a  breakdown of the module’s assessment (Course work vs formal exam). 

Please note that the assessment breakdown entered here applies to the 2010/11 academic year.

Learning Outcomes Assessed by End of Academic Session Formal Examination

If applicable, please use the check boxes to indicate which of the module’s learning outcomes are assessed in end of academic session formal examination.

Indicative Coursework Breakdown

If applicable, for each piece of coursework please:

  1. Select the Assessment type (for example portfolio, in class test, presentation etc.) from the dropdown list.
  2. Provide a brief Description of the assessment.
  3. Indicate enter the percentage of the total module mark to be given to course work.  The mark entered may be in the range 0 to 100. The Coursebuilder automatically assigns the remainder, if any, of the 100 marks to the End of Semester Formal Examination.
  4. Indicate the Timing of the assessment using the dropdown menu.
  5. Use the check boxes to indicate which of the module’s Learning Outcomes are assessed by this piece of coursework.
  6. Select Add Assessment to add assessment to the current list of assessment tasks for this module.

Points to note:

  • All learning outcomes should be assessed. 
  • Aim to achieve a clear alignment between assessment tasks and learning outcomes.
  • Large projects should be broken down in sub-tasks where appropriate (i.e. when assessed separately).
  • For group/collaborative tasks please indicate how an individual's contribution is assessed.

Resits and repeats

A resit assessment offers students a second and separate opportunity to demonstrate that they have achieved the learning outcomes associated with a module. The resit assessment does not have to be identical to the original assessment, but the learning outcomes assessed should be the same. 
Please indicate whether reassessment of this module is via:

  • Repeat (no resit opportunity offered)
  • Resit of course work only
  • Resit of formal examination and course work
  • Resit of formal examination only

Resit description

Please provide some general (broad rather than specific) details of the resit. Please note that a resit may be in a different format to the original assessment, as long as the same learning outcomes are covered.
