Learning Innovation Unit, Dublin City University

Learning Innovation Unit

Teaching Reflections

Teaching and Learning events and funding calls

Lunchtime Seminar Series

The aim of these seminars is to encourage the cross-fertilisation of ideas between Schools and to generate debate on subjects of campus-wide interest relating to teaching and learning. The seminar format consists of a presentation followed by questions and general discussion. The atmosphere is relaxed and lunch is provided. 

We welcome presenters from all academic and support staff involved in teaching and learning. Please email learning.innovation@dcu.ie for more information.

Upcoming seminars:


Seminar title


February 4th 2010

My Teaching Approaches

Pat Brereton (President’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Learning nominee 2009)

February 11th 2010            

My Teaching Approaches

Blánaid White (President’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Winner 2009)

March 4th 2010    .



My Teaching Approaches

Greg Foley (President’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Learning nominee 2009)

April 8th 2010      

My Teaching Approaches

Cris Guntín (President’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Winner 2009)

April 22nd 2010

My Teaching Approaches

Yvonne Crotty President’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Learning nominee 2009)

April 29th 2010

Experiences with ‘WebEx”


Theo Lynn and Neil Bruton.


See http://www.dcu.ie/ovpli/liu/Events/lunchtime-seminars/index.shtml for a full up-to-date list of upcoming LIU semionars.

Jennifer Burke Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning

The Jennifer Burke Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning is awarded annually by the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA) and Dublin City University (DCU). The award recognises and reward innovative practice in teaching and learning in Ireland, and in particular reflects and remembers Jenn’s vibrancy, creativity, energy and passion for learning. Nominations for this year's award should  be submitted by Monday 22nd February 2010
Full details are available at http://www.jenniferburkeaward.ie/.

Upcoming events and conferences

22 - 24 March 2010 : Open Educational Resources 2010, Clare College , Cambridge

19, 20 and 21 May 2010: EdTech 2010 – The 11th Annual Irish Educational Technology Users' Conference, AIT

Funding calls

Learning Innovation Fund (LIF) Teaching and Learning Conference and Publications Scheme

This scheme provides support for the dissemination of scholarly activity relating to Teaching/Learning (e.g. costs relating to the publication of research outputs to books/journals; fees and subsistence relating to presenting at a conference). See https://www.dcu.ie/ovpli/liu/lif-schemes/ for further information.

Learning Innovation Fund (LIF): Project Scheme

This scheme provides seed funding to support projects which deliver on priority objectives from the Enhancement of Learning (EoL) strategic plan. Please note that this call will close on Feburary 8th 2010. See https://www.dcu.ie/ovpli/liu/lif-schemes/ for further information.