Learning Innovation Unit, Dublin City University
Academic Framework for Innovation (AFI)
Review of Module Descriptors
The AFI Module Review Team has now begun to review all modules that are pending approval on Course Builder. Over the coming weeks you will receive feedback on your module descriptors from your AFI Fellow under the headings below.
The next step in the AFI process entails aligning module learning outcomes with award learning outcomes (as approved by Academic Council in April 2009). This process, due to start in early September, cannot commence until all module descriptors have received final approval. We would therefore be very grateful if you could act upon your module feedback as soon as possible after you receive it.
Feedback headings
- Missing/insufficient information
- Language
- Description
- Learning outcomes
- Pre-requisite learning
- Indicative content
- Assessment
- Workload
- Constructive alignment
- Resources
- General comments
Missing/insufficient information
learning outcomes
ECTS credits
indicative content
assessment breakdown
workload breakdown /detail
NO ISSUES TO NOTE UNDER THIS HEADINGambiguous words and phrases, e.g., 'exploit'
all acroynms should be fully spelt out when first used
lack of clarity and open to misinterpretation
be consistent with verb form (i.e., delete 'to' at beginning of learning outcomes)
do not state module aims or objectives indicate some attributes of the intended target audienceinclude more detail on context and specifics of topic
description is too broad
description is too narrow
needs re-write
Learning outcomes
NO ISSUES TO NOTE UNDER THIS HEADINGtoo many learning outcomes
not enough learning outcomes
learning outcomes are too vague
learning outcomes are too broad
- choose alternative verb
- review use of 'describe', 'understand', 'demonstrate understanding' in learning outcomes relating to theory
- more detail on the context of learning outcomes would be useful
review use of words which are difficult to assess, e.g., effectively, confidently, be familiar with
more detail on the context of application of learning outcomes would be useful
subject specific links are not apparent
- should reference to more specific topics, e.g., matrices, be considered?
- consider making reference to specific and relevant theories and concepts of subject matter (e.g., linear algebra, sociology, etc.)
Pre-requisite learning
NO ISSUES TO NOTE UNDER THIS HEADINGcheck that relevant information is provided
Indicative content
NO ISSUES TO NOTE UNDER THIS HEADINGtry to differentiate between topics and learning activities
add information on learning activities and teaching methodologies
lacks clarity and sufficient detail; include teaching methodologies
content should not be a mirror image of learning outcomes
not specific to module
- should be developed further to reflect k nowledge, know-how and skills, and competencies, as appropriate
NO ISSUES TO NOTE UNDER THIS HEADINGlearning outcomes are not assessed
learning outcome 1 is not assessed
learning outcome 2 is not assessed
learning outcome 3 is not assessed
learning outcome 4 is not assessed
learning outcome 5 is not assessed
learning outcome 6 is not assessed
learning outcome 7 is not assessed
unclear how learning outcomes are demonstrated within the assessment
detailed information showing how the student will demonstrate achievement of learning outcomes is required, including a breakdown of coursework elements and their alignment to learning outcomes
information on coursework type and description is required
more explicit description of coursework type required
more detail needed in coursework breakdown (e.g,, description of coursework elements, including "take-home" assignments)
further details required on how learning outcomes are assessed by proposed assessment types and descriptions
further details on how participation (e.g., at tutorials or seminars) is assessed
large projects should be broken down into sub-tasks where appropriate (i.e., when assessed separately)
assessment date required
indicate whether prsentation/assessment is by individual or by group
indicate how individual's contribution is assessed
NO ISSUES TO NOTE UNDER THIS HEADING1 ECTS credit = 25 hours of work, workload field should reflect this
details are required on type and description of workload
description of workload required
further detail required on type and description of workload
time spent to complete assessment elements should be included
include detail of timing
provide concise information on learning activities taking place during lectures, tutorials, labs, and seminars
indication of what is meant by 'independent learning time' is needed
provide concise information on learning activities students are expected to engage in during 'independent learning time'
provide concise information on learning activities students are expected to engage in outside class time
INTRA: breakdown of workload elements required, e.g., workplacement hours, time to complete different elements of associated coursework
Constructive alignment
NO ISSUES TO NOTE UNDER THIS HEADINGalignment between learning outcomes and assessment is unclear
credit rating and scope of learning outcomes is mismatched
module level and learning outcomes are / appear to be mismatched, e.g., final year not at level 8
purpose of module and indicative content is mismatched
unclear fit between the learning outcomes, indicative content and description
address the apparent mismatch between learning outcomes and indicative content
- learning outcomes may have undersold indicative content
- unclear fit between
learning outcomes,
indicative content, and assessment
- more specific learning outcomes may address this mismatch
- more details on assessment may address this apparent mismatch
NO ISSUES TO NOTE UNDER THIS HEADINGsuggest inclusion of web/online resources
include more recent texts, if available