Learning Innovation Unit, Dublin City University

Learning Innovation Unit

Teaching Reflections

Teaching and Learning Awards, Events and Funding Calls

Jennifer Burke Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning

The Jennifer Burke Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning is awarded annually by the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA) and
DCU. The award recognises and reward innovative practice in teaching and learning in Ireland, and in particular reflects and remembers Jenn’s vibrancy, creativity, energy and passion for learning. Nominations should be submitted by 22nd February 2010. Full details are available at http://www.jenniferburkeaward.ie or contact morag.munro@dcu.ie.

NAIRTL National Awards for Excellence in Teaching

These awards are intended to recognise teaching accomplishments and to promote public recognition and celebration of the teaching role. DCU
Heads and Deans are invited to nominate colleagues who are who are both exemplary teachersand innovative researchers. Full details are available at http://www.nairtl.ie. Please contact learning.innovation@dcu.ie for further information.

DCU President’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

The President’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Learning reward academic and support staff for in teaching and learning activities. The
President of the University presents the awards at the annual Teaching and Learning Day in May. This event is also an opportunity to display teaching and learning activities in poster format. Watch out for details through the staff email in the coming weeks if you are thinking of nominating a colleague or have teaching and learning activities to share with colleagues.

Learning Innovation Unit Conferences and Publications Scheme

The Learning Innovation Fund (LIF) Conferences and Publications scheme supports the dissemination of the output of scholarly activity relating to Teaching/Learning (e.g. publication of research outputs; fees and subsistence relating to presenting at a conference). Applications details are available from http://www.dcu.ie/ovpli/liu/lif-schemes/conferences-publications/2009.

LIU Writers' Group for Educational Researchers

The LIU's weekly writers' group for educational researchers will recommence on 17th February from 1-3pm.

The purpose of the writers' group is to enable colleagues to set aside dedicated time and space on a regular basis to meet and work on relevant journal articles, book chapters etc. The main purpose of the weekly group is to write, so discussion and other activities are kept to a minimum. Research in this area has shown that this model works well in assisting people to write regularly and to make continuous progress.

Please email learning.innovation@dcu.ie for more information and venue details.

Upcoming Events and Conferences

Date Event Venue
3 March Working with Intercultural Learners
DRHEA event
Dublin City University
17-18 March 8th eAssessment Question
Conference and Exhibition
23-24 March Open Educational Resources 2010
Clare College,
National Digital Learning Repository Showcase TCD
19-21 May EdTech 2010 - 11th Annual Irish Educational
Technology Users’ Conference
Athlone Institute of
29-30 June 3rd Annual Institutional Research Conference
DCU & HEIR event
Dublin City University

Lunchtime Seminar Series

Seminars dates for Lunchtime Seminars are listed on the LIU website http://www.dcu.ie/ovpli/liu/Events/lunchtime-seminars.

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