Learning Innovation Unit, Dublin City University
Excellence in Learning at DCU
Feeling swamped? Getting Organised
Hard to start assignments?
It can be very tempting to leave assignments to the last minute. Plucking up the courage to start the assignments is possibly one of the most difficult parts of doing one!When starting an assignment, look at what is being asked of you. Then examine how much time you have. Then make a plan for the time you have, using a weekly schedule HYPERLINK http://www.dcu.ie/ExL/pdfs/weekly-schedule.pdf.
Look at it this way.... the quicker you start, the quicker its over! If you leave assignments to the last minute, the quality of your work will not be as good, so give yourself the time to do it properly. You will also be less stressed out and will be able to perfect things towards the end.
Make sure once you have started, you stay motivated and keep your eye on the final goal, a strong well composed assignment.
For more information on staying motivated and goal setting click here....http://www.dcu.ie/ExL/time/unit3/index.shtml and here http://www.dcu.ie/ExL/time/unit1/plan2.shtml.