Learning Innovation Unit, Dublin City University
Learning Innovation Unit

Bin the Lab Notebook… for Better Scientific Learning
By Dr. Ciarán Fagan, School of Biotechnology
The hardbacked laboratory notebook has blighted the lives of
generations of science students. It is cumbersome, heavy, takes up
bench space, and is well-nigh useless for undergraduate teaching and
The notebook is difficult to collect, assess, mark and return on a
regular or frequent basis. Often, a class will submit a full series of
lab reports only at the end of a module or semester. When marked books
are eventually returned to the class, few students will bother to read
the assessor’s comments, or note points for future practice. Thus
students lack the regular, timely feedback that will enable them to
improve the quality of their reports, to develop critical thinking
skills, or to embed module learning outcomes within their personal
These young scientists became victims long before they entered
university, however. Recall school experiences with the lab notebook:
the tediously drawn diagram of a beaker of liquid heated by a Bunsen
burner, the dull description of weighing 10 g of sodium chloride, or of
how some paper was spotted with grease (never mind what you actually
did with the grease-spot photometer, or what it was supposed to teach
you!). Scientific insights do not develop from transcription. Instead,
we need a tool that will enable regular, ongoing feedback to students,
in order to help them do things better and to impart critical skills. I
propose: (i) the adoption of laboratory report templates, something I
use successfully in my own lab modules; and (ii) that we should not put
down the lab notebook lightly, but fling it with considerable force (to
paraphrase Dorothy Parker).
Features of module report templates:
A short Introduction (2-3 lines) asks students to explain the
purpose of the experiment, to show that they have some grasp of what
they are doing. For Method, students record the page number(s) in their lab manual for the experimental protocol concerned – and variations from that, whether advised, mistaken or forced. The supplied lab manual sets out in detail the method they are to follow. Why transcribe this verbatim into lab reports? They fill their experimental Results into supplied blank tables, plot diagrams, and set out sample calculations in detail. They are asked to criticize their own results (are they accurate? precise?), to answer set questions, and for a critical Discussion (no matter how brief) of the meaning and significance of the results. They are asked what did they learn from the experiment (about the biochemical(s) investigated, the techniques/ instruments used, calculation methods, critical skills, integration with lecture content) and, even more importantly, They are asked in the final report how well their overall learning experience has matched the module’s learning outcomes. |
Such templates can help move students away from superficial
descriptions and to focus instead on the quality of their bench data,
how to process data appropriately, to critically evaluate their
findings and discuss them in a wider context and, finally to monitor
their own learning and development.
Students simply use the Moodle-posted Word document template to prepare
their report, attach plots, staple the lot together, sign it and
submit. In sharp contrast to the traditional lab notebook, each report
can be placed in a postbox or pigeonhole, or will slide easily
underneath a lecturer’s office door. No more excuses for late or
unsubmitted reports (“You weren’t in your office when I
called, so I couldn’t hand in my lab notebook”).
The greatest advantages of these templates, however, are their
loose-leaf format, light weight and lack of bulk. These features enable
the report templates to facilitate teaching and learning, and in a much
better way than the traditional lab notebook.
The small pile of reports fits into a briefcase, and is easily carried
for evaluation and marking, either in the office or off-campus. Since
results are presented in a uniform layout across the class, the
assessor can quickly find and evaluate the key points in each report
(data, calculations, plots, conclusions), make comments, give a mark
and, crucially, return the marked report to the students(s) at the next
session. This rapid, weekly turnaround gives the students ongoing
feedback, allowing them to see and correct their mistakes, and to
improve the quality of subsequent reports. In some cases, students
report in pairs – just as they work together at the lab bench.
(‘You sink or swim with your lab partner.’) This halves the
burden of correction.
Of course, the lab notebook does have a worthwhile function in research projects, where it provides a full diary and record of materials, methods, results, comments, plans and so on. It also provides back-up evidence in intellectual property claims and traceability in cases of anomalous findings. Students, however, will be better able to achieve the required rigour and attention to detail if they have previously benefited from the type of continuous feedback outlined in this article.
- About Teaching Reflections
- Current issue: Dec 2010
- Foreword
- Welcome to this Edition of Teaching Reflections
- Learning the Law: Simulation in Legal Education
- DCU Intergenerational Learning Project
- Involving Undergraduates in Research: the DiaMond UREKA Experience
- Bin the Lab Notebook… for Better Scientific Learning
- DCU Voluntary Maths Tuition Programme
- Altering the Learning Environment Using Classroom Response Systems
- DRHEA e-learning Summer School 2010
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