Learning Innovation Unit, Dublin City University

Learning Innovation Unit

DCU Learning Innovation Fund (LIF) 2008/2009
President's Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Award Winners

Innovation and excellence in teaching and learning at DCU were celebrated at this year’s annual Teaching and Learning Day and President’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching which took place on 3rd June. The event celebrated the outstanding work of a total of 51 nominees across three categories.

Each award consists of a formal citation, together with a prize of €8,000 for the Academic Award, €2,500 for the New Lecturers/Tutors Award and €2,500 for the award to Teaching Support staff. The category winners also received an inscribed piece of Louise Kennedy crystal and all nominees received a commemorative piece of Newbridge Silverware. The awards were presented at the annual Teaching and Learning Day on 3rd June, 2010 in the Helix.

From left to right: Michael Breen, Dr Paul van Kampen, Professor Richard O’Kennedy, Professor Ferdinand von Prondzynski, Dr Brian Harney and Colette Lyng.

The award winners were:

Academic Category:

Dr. Paul van Kampen, School of Physical Sciences

For his inquiry led and experiential approaches to lectures, tutorials and science education generally based on his own research investigation of teaching and learning in his discipline and for making learning for his students easy, relevant and fun. Full Citation (PDF)

New Tutors/Lecturers Category joint winners:

Michael Breen, School of Law and Government

For his professional approach to teaching, his use of teaching and assessment methodologies that engage the students in their learning and his accessibility to students. Full Citation (PDF)

Dr. Brian Harney, DCUBS

For his integrated teaching methods ranging from traditional case studies, to in class debates, experiential learning exercises and internet case examples. Full Citation (PDF)

Academic Support Staff Category:

Colette Lyng, School of Nursing

For her invaluable academic support in planning and co-coordinating clinical practices. Full Citation (PDF)

Excerpts from the nominations in the academic, new lecturers and academic support categories are also available: