DCU Teaching Enhancement Unit (TEU) header
Teaching Enhancement Unit

Building Assessment around Reading to Promote Academic Integrity


Dr. Sineád McNally (sinead.mcnally@dcu.ie)

Subject 5 ECTS module: EC207 Psychological Perspectives on Young Children’s Thinking and Learning
Discipline Early Childhood Education in the IOE, DCU
Level Third-year undergraduate students - level 8
Class Size circa. 60 students
Mode of Delivery Hybrid F2F and Online during COVID-19


Sinéad McNally is Assistant Professor in Psychology (birth to six) at the DCU Institute of Education where she teaches developmental psychology and research methods in early childhood.

Sinéad is Research Convenor for the School of Language, Literacy and Early Childhood Education (ECE), and leads the Early Language and Learning Lab investigating young children's development in inclusive early education. Her research on early play, reading and STEM learning has been funded through Science Foundation Ireland, the Irish Research Council, the Standing Conference on Teacher Education North and South, and the Childhood Development Initiative.