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Teaching Enhancement Unit

Academic Integrity - Student Declarations 2020

These are selected declarations made by students during Promoting Academic Integrity Week in support of academic integrity.

During Promoting Academic Integrity Week 2020, the Teaching Enhancement Unit invited students to make a declaration on the virtual learning environment, Loop, by adding an entry to a collaborative 'declaration bank'.

Students declared their support for academic integrity, made pledges to uphold academic integrity in their studies or expressed what academic integrity meant to them.

A sample of the student declarations are presented on this page. They highlight how much value the students place on academic integrity Far too often, institutions automatically assume that students cheat and the response that we have received from students to this initiative highlight that starting from a position of trust and viewing students as partners when it comes to academic integrity is the right approach.

(Note: Only submissions by students who ticked the permission box in the declaration bank are shared here.)

Learn more about the Teaching Enhancement Unit's work in the area of academic integrity.



First year BA Humanities student

Academic integrity is being trustworthy, honest, responsible and respectful. Not only, to the creator of the content you’re using, but also to your peers, your university and yourself.

Third year CS student

Academic integrity is important so that people get the credit they deserve for their dedication to research. 

First year SSH student

Academic integrity, much like integrity in everyday life, is doing the right thing, or morally correct thing, when nobody is watching. 

First year MSc Computing student

Commit to yourself whatever you do, you will do without cheating. It will boost your confidence and you will feel motivated. Be an example for others so that they also don't cheat and maintain the academic integrity.

First year Accounting and Finance student

Honesty and hard work lead to the greatest success in life.

Third year ME student

Academic integrity is a vital pillar of university life.

Second year Psychology student

Plagiarism is theft.

Fourth year BEd student

Academic integrity is the responsibility of us all. Academic dishonesty not only devalues our own work but the work of others too.

First year BNPY student

Academic integrity means always referencing others' works and not claiming others' ideas as your own.

Fourth year BECE student

''Integrity gives you real freedom because you have nothing to fear since you have nothing to hide'' - Zig Ziglar.

First year Enterprise Computing student

If you cheat, you can’t succeed.

Part-time MCM AI student

We're here to learn, not to just get grades or pass the course. So I believe it's best to do it the right way if you really want to get the most out of this course. 

Third year EdD student

Academic integrity allows a student to express their true self.

Third year BEd student

Hard and honest work gives you satisfaction that cheating can never provide.

Second year BRH student

Academic integrity is the means of producing your own original work whilst giving credit to those who's work and/or ideas you use.

First year postgraduate student

The most important way of showing commitment to academic integrity is to work hard and honestly, and to not pass the hard work of others off as your own.

First year BAJM student

Academic integrity means working honestly and as hard as you can.

First year Nursing student

It is important that DCU commit to high academic integrity standards because it allows us to be recognised and highly sought after across the globe.

MSc Computing student

We need academic integrity to ensure that our degrees will be respected by the corporate and academic world, and will help us feel the pride and accomplishment that we want to have in completing our degrees.

Third year BAJH student

It's better to ask for a lecturer’s help, than copy someone else's work.

Second year GCB student

Academic integrity is taking yourself and your education seriously.

First year INTB student

The only thing that should be taken from some else's work is inspiration

First year HDSH student

Academic integrity is learning for you, on the shoulders of giants.

First year MSc Diagnostics and Precision Medicine student

Honesty and passion towards learning is the best way to portray academic integrity!

First year BASM student

Academic integrity should be the defining aspect of a students journey in all interactions, as staying true and genuine is what makes us who we are, after all, we don't want to be copies of someone else.

Engineering student

Academic integrity to me is working as hard as i can for all modules, trying my best, asking for help when I need it and graduating in the end feeling proud and satisfied that I have completed my degree without cheating, just hard work and the help of others when needed.

First year MSc Computing Data Analytics student

The first thing we should learn from our education system is not the skills but the ability to differentiate between right and wrong.

Second year PE with Biology student

Academic integrity is a good indication of a person's character.