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Sustainability at DCU

DCU Green Campus

DCU has been awarded Green Campus status for all of our academic campuses, Glasnevin, St Patricks and All Hallows. An Taisce do not accredit non-academic campuses.
An Taisce Green Campus Logo

An Taisce Green Campus

DCU’s Green Committee is made up students and staff, and includes volunteer representatives from all campuses and multiple faculties. The committee is renewed every year and it meets every month. 

Understanding the interconnectedness of our communities, present and future, our ways of living and our natural environment and the balance needed to provide for a sustainable and equitable future for everyone is the underpinning ethos and challenge of our Green Campus efforts.

Strongly linked to DCU Sustainability and the DCU Sustainable Living Society, the Green Committee collaborates with both, frequently working in tandem to co-operate with other organisations such as Dublin City Council or local Tidy Towns groups in Drumcondra and Phibsborough. 

The Green Committee also works closely with DCU Students Union to communicate sustainability messages, and to organise and support events.

To Join this years committee - 2023/2024 please complete this google form.