DCU Green Week | 3rd - 7th March 2025
An tSeachtain Ghlas/Green Week 2024/2025
Timetable of Events
Week Long Events
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Exhibition at DCU – DCU O’Reilly Library, Ground Floor on left. This exhibition will move to the Cregan Library, SPC on Tuesday 18th March.
DCU Restaurants - will have an extended vegetarian and vegan options available every day in the main restaurants in GLA and SPD. Each vegan and vegetarian option purchased next week (3rd – 7th March 2025) will receive a piece of fruit free. All menus will be tailored with reduced meat/dairy for the week (3rd – 7th March 2025) to draw awareness to the significant impacts of animal agriculture and how small changes can have an impact while maintaining a balanced healthy diet. There will be a vegan pastry breakfast specials running for the week (3rd – 7th March 2025) in all locations. On an ongoing basis our salad bar uses vegan mayonnaise and dressing with vegan tofu and falafel available. Restaurant Feedback.
Marchathon Team Making – The step challenge that runs from 3rd – 30th March 2025 – if you don’t have a team - sign up here and we will do our best to include you in a team.
Litter Picks – can you organise a small team to do a litter pick in our community – all equipment will be provided - please register here if you can contribute.
Having your say on Sustainability – we are surrounded by constant messaging on climate change, biodiversity loss, plastics pollution, climate justice ... how aware are you of these challenges ? what should happen next ? who should take action? We would like to hear your concerns and ideas for actions – please join our asynchronous whiteboard to post your thought and messages - contributions are not attributable to any individual.
Lanyard Amnesty – During Green Week, the students from the Environmental Science and Technology ‘Toward Zero Carbon Module’ are running a campaign to gather all the unwanted lanyards and name tags that may be sitting in your office. These will then be collated and reused at future events at DCU. Boxes to collect lanyards/name tags will be available at coffee docks across the DCU Campuses from 4th – 7th of March 2025.
Catering at Green Week Events: Where catering is being provided for Green Week event we would like to strongly encourage all participants to bring there own cups - so much so that we will not be providing any single use cups at any of our events. You are more than welcome to bring along a ceramic, Vytal or your own reusable cup and we will fill it !
Monday 3 March 2025
Biodiversity Walks (20-30 mins) Please register here.
Main Entrance of O’Reilly Library GLA @ 11.00
Main Entrance of Cregan Library SPC @ 12.30
Main Entrance of Drumcondra House AHC @ 14.30
Supported by the students from the Environmental Science and Technology ‘Toward Zero Carbon Module’
Tuesday 4 March 2025
Walktober Awards – the much delayed awards for the Oct 24 Step Challenge, 10.30 – 11.00 CG35, Henry Grattan, GLA
Swap Shop - 12.00 - 14.00 The Hive, U Building, GLA
Run by the Climate Action and Sustainable Living Society - bring a piece of clothing and swap it for a different one !
Bike Clinic: Get your bike services for free - GLA: 12.30 – 16.00: DCU GLA, Foyer at AG00 (Albert College).
Repair Café with Change Clothes - 14.30 The Hive, U Building, GLA
Brought to you by Run by the Climate Action and Sustainable Living Society & Sustainability DCU - gets your new swapped clothes customised or repair at this pop-up stand - first come first served.
Wednesday 5 March 2025
Bike Clinic –Get your bike services for free - All Hallows Campus (12.00 - 15.00), Foyer of O’Donnell House
Sheachtain na Gaeilge/Sheachtain Ghlas – 13.00 – 14.00 sa Seomra Caidrimh, SPC
Cuireann Scríbhneoir Cónaitheach DCU, Réaltán Ní Leannain an scríbhneoir Annemarie Nugent faoi agallamh faoin fhealsúnacht bunaidh agus faoi reáchtáil an éiceabhaile i gCloch Shiúrdáin, áit a bhfuil sí féin agus a clann ag cur fúthu.
DCU Writer in Residence - Réaltán Ní Leannáin interviews writer Annemarie Nugent from Cloughjordan Eco Village on the underlying philosophy and running of the village.
Lón curtha ar fáil ag/Lunch Provided by Food Cloud
Clárú anseo don ócáid seo de chuid Sheachtain na Gaeilge/Sheachtain Ghlas
Please register here for this joint Sheachtain na Gaeilge/Sheachtain Ghlas event
Thursday 6 March 2025
‘Make it Slow: learning within planetary boundaries’ – Thursday 6 and Friday 7 March 2025.
FHSS are inviting colleagues to opt-in to an exploration of lower-tech, digital-free teaching. The aim is to grab student imagination, cultivate attention and invite a deeper conversation about ed tech, by doing something different in class. Examples might include an unplugged lesson using notebooks and pencils instead of laptops, a field-walk with paper maps, a free writing exercise, a debate on a theme linked to ESD, or more. Discussion about the importance of sustainability and reflection upon the imaginative and interpretive possibilities (even freedoms) that a “decelerated” classroom can generate are encouraged.
‘How Bad’ Chats! - Did you ever what to know how bad a banana or an email or a text message are for our environment– come along and ask all those nagging questions – spot prizes for those who ask!
Food provided by Food Cloud on a first come first serve basis !
13.00 – 14.00 in HG07, Nursing Building on GLA
16.00 – 17.00 in FG08, F Block on SPC (incl all AHC welcome)
Friday 7th March 2025
A Climate Conversation without the bullshit ! 10.00 – 11.30 in Tolka Room in the U Building, GLA
A Climate Action Workshop with Nation Youth Council of Ireland.
Breakfast provided by food cloud.
Please register here
DCU Sustainable Energy Community SEC Event – 13.00 – 14.00 in HG19, Nursing Building, GLA.
Info session on what grants are available for improving energy efficiency in your home. Lunch will be provided. Please register here.