
Aoife Morrin
Dr Aoife Morrin has been involved with using Virtual Reality to train students in analytical chemistry practical techniques
Susan Kelleher and Jennifer Gaughran
Dr Jennifer Gaughran (left) and Dr Susan Kelleher are aiming to turn old clothing into insulation for Irish homes.
Ruairi Brannigan
Ruairi Brannigan is aiming to produce more environmentally sustainable pesticides and fungicides
Dr David O'Connor
Dr O'Connor is looking at two different ways of ‘sensing’ the presence of fungal spores or bacteria in the environment.
SFI Challenge
SFI National Challenge Fund recipients. Clockwise from top left: Dr David O'Connor; Dr Jennifer Gaughran & Dr Susan Kelleher; Professor Enda McGlynn and Dr Ruairi Brannigan
Dr Hannah Goss
The findings of a new all-island study emphasise the importance of ongoing efforts by policymakers, educators and health professionals to cultivate active and healthy lifestyles in the next generation, said Dr Goss.
Peter Taylor investigates black holes and wormholes
Assistant Professor Peter Taylor investigates 'black holes' and 'wormholes'.
Professor Andrew Kellett
Prof Kellett and his collaborators have created a compound that binds and cuts cancer DNA.