
Celbridge boys
Teenagers, like these boys from Celbridge, are being asked by Kildare County Council to contribute to the planning of their towns.
Olivia Keogh, winner of the Hamilton Prize for mathematics
Olivia McLoughlin, DCU final year actuarial mathematics student, winner of the Hamilton Prize, pictured with Danny McCoy, chief executive officer of IBEC, the prize sponsor and Dr Mary Canning, President of the Royal Irish Academy
Dr Anthony Grey (left) and Dr Brian Kelleher, pictured at Bull Island (Photo: Steve Humphreys)

School of Chemical Sciences Researchers at Bull Island
Surgeon Professor Brian Devitt
Professor of Orthopaedics and Surgical Biomechanics at DCU and orthopaedic surgeon at the Sports Surgery says that the incidence of ACL injuries in Ireland is amongst the highest in the world.

Matthew Smith at Autism Friendly phase two launch
Matthew Smith, a final year early childhood education student, pictured here, who has autism, spoke at the launch. Pic: Kyran O'Brien/DCU
Dr Shane O'Sullivan School of Physical Sciences
Dr Shane O'Sullivan in front of an image of a galaxy showing connecting magnetic field lines. Photo: Frank McGrath
The death has occured of Associate Professor Greg Foley from Dublin City University’s School of Biotechnology.
The death has been announced of Associate Professor Greg Foley from Dublin City University’s School of Biotechnology.
DCU staff at the Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition
Dr Hannah Goss and Simon Devenney demonstrate the MoveAhead app - designed to encourage people to physically move - at the BTYSE Show