
Professor John Crown
In 2001, Prof Crown was offered a position as Chair of Translational Cancer at DCU.
Susan McGrath and Ciara Mc Dermott
Susan McGrath (left), of the faculty's administrative services, and Ciara McDermott, a fourth year biotechnology student, were in attedance on Friday at the Faculty's stand at the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition.
Silvia Giordani Lab
Researchers, led by Professor Silvia Giordani, School of Chemical Sciences have found a way to more precisely deliver medicines to pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) cells

Photo: Chris Maddaloni for Nature
Biotechnology student Grace Colley
Grace intends to use the Orla Benson award to visit the laboratory of Professor Joshua LaBaer, who is based in the BioDesign Institute, Arizona State University (ASU)
Kumaresan Cithambaram
Four out of eight people with intellectual disabilities who participated in the study had never received a screening invitation due to varying reasons to a particular service despite being eligible said Dr Cithambaram.
Frank Devereux 4th year doctoral student
In order to establish, scientifically, that a games-based strategy is workable for injury prevention, 18 experts were called in to assess the merits of this approach, said Frank Devereux, lead researcher.
Dr Aine Travers Psychology
Dr Travers specialises in the study of intimate partner violence and was previously commissioned by the UK Home Office to review the evidence on intimate partner violence affecting bisexual people.
Professor Sean Jordan
Professor Sean Jordan pictured with rocks that are about 3.5 billion years old from the Strelley Pool Formation in Western Australia. The rocks on the table are a mixture of those and some other samples around 2.5 billion years old, also from Western Australia.