Faculty of Science & Health

Adam Daly, whose study examines the practice of therapeutic tattooing for cancer survivors across the globe

Credit: Kyran O'Brien

Dr Louise Hopper will co-ordinate DCU's contribution to the five year project. Credit: Kyran O'Brien

The opening of the new Ideas Lab at Dublin City University
L-R Dr Robert O’Connor, Peter Gleeson, Jennifer McKenna, Joe English, Dr Eilish McLoughlin, Darren Carty, Prof Blanaid White, Prof Timo Gans, Dr Karsten Fleischer, Prof Deborah O’Connell, Dr Stephen Power, Stefano Sellitto Photo: Kyran O'Brien
L-R Dr Robert O’Connor, Peter Gleeson, Jennifer McKenna, Joe English, Dr Eilish McLoughlin, Darren Carty, Prof Blanaid White, Prof Timo Gans, Dr Karsten Fleischer, Prof Deborah O’Connell, Dr Stephen Power, Stefano Sellitto Photo: Kyran O'Brien