Registry Forms

Undergraduate Students
- Advanced Entry (external transfers) Apply directly through the CAO Advanced Entry Route. More information here
- R-11 Re-admission Direct Application Form - (PDF) (Word)
- Online Internal Transfer
- Online Internal Transfer form to Bachelor of Business Studies
- DCU Performance Sport - CAO Points Concession

Request a Change to Registration
Undergraduate Students:
- R-32 Application for Deferral of Academic Year (Taught Programmes) (Word)
- R-40 Application for Suspension of Study (Leave of Absence) (Word)
- R-27 Withdrawal - For current registered students please complete the following form through this link.

Postgraduate Research Student Forms
Please refer to Guidance on Electronic Completion & Submission of PGR Forms.
PGR forms requiring Graduate Research Studies Board (GRSB) consideration must be submitted to Student Awards, Registry at at least two weeks in advance of the meeting.
Please click here for Registry submission deadlines.
- PGR2 - Please follow this link to access the online system:
- PGR3 - Transfer to / Confirmation on the PhD Register (WORD) (PDF)
- PGR4 - Notification of Intention to Submit Thesis for Examination (WORD) (PDF)
- PGR6 - Examination Report for the Award of a Higher Degree (WORD) (PDF)
- PGR7 - Thesis Access Consent Form (WORD) (PDF)
- PGR8 - Application for Temporary Restriction of Access to the Thesis (WORD) (PDF)
- PGR12 - E-thesis Submission Declaration Form (WORD) (PDF)
- PGR13 - Permission to Reside / Carry Out Research Abroad (WORD) (PDF)
- PGR14 - Request for Extension to Maximum Registration Period OR Re-admission to the Research Programme (WORD) (PDF)
- PGR15 - Application for Transfer/Advanced Entry to Postgraduate Research Programme (WORD) (PDF)
- R-32R - Application for Deferral (WORD) (PDF) Note: Please review Guidelines on Deferral for Research Students prior to application.
- R-40R Application for Suspension of Study (WORD) (PDF) Note: Please review Guidelines on Suspension of Study for Research Students prior to application.
- R103 - Change of Supervisory and / or Panel Member Arrangements (WORD) (PDF)
- HD1- Notification of Intention to Submit for the Award of a Higher Doctorate (WORD) (PDF)
- HD2 - Assessor's Report for the Award of a Higher Doctorate (WORD) (PDF)
Visiting Research Students
New Applicants

Examinations Forms
Extenuating circumstances allows students to identify specific circumstances, which have had a significant impact on their ability to complete assessment to the best of their ability.
If you know in advance that you will not be in a position to submit or take your assessment when scheduled then you may request a postponement of assessment/examination through the R33 process.
There are a number of options available to a student whose examination results does not meet their expectations. Further information on these options, as well as information on research and disciplinary appeals, can be viewed on the Appeals Information page.
A programme of study may have alternative exit routes, named exit awards, whereby a student may receive an award for a lesser number of credits than the programme on which he/she is registered.