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School of History and Geography

Research Interests and Expertise

Research Interests and Expertise


Medieval Irish History: the archaeology of medieval Ireland, settlement, urban development

Early Modern Ireland: politics, society and economy; Anglo-Irish relations; famine and economic crisis; history of print and its impact; manifestations of public protest; gender relations

Modern Ireland: politics, society and economy; Anglo-Irish relations; land and economy; history of women in Irish society; the Irish revolution; the history of sport and recreation; Church-state relations; science and society; history of the Irish environment


Historical Geography of Ireland: Origins, evolution, and growth of Irish country towns, evolution of Irish cultural landscape from seventeenth century onwards, demise of landlordism in Ireland in late nineteenth and early twentieth century, life in the Irish Big House, built heritage of Ireland, evolution of Dublin city and its suburbs from nineteenth century onwards

Social Geography: Travellers in Ireland from the perspectives of their geography, population change, education, employment, health, housing, marriage patterns and family life, both in the 1950s and today

Economic Geography: University-industry links, entrepreneurship education in universities

Urban Geography: Contemporary settlement change in Ireland; heritage and tourism geographies; places of memory

Physical Geography: Irish landscape formation from Late-Quaternary to Holocene, Irish glacial geomorphology, Irish historical geology and geomorphology, Carbon dynamics in the landscape (peatlands and northern ecosystems)

Remote Sensing and GIS:  DCU Geospatial Research Group;  Applied Earth Observation; Detection of land use change; Detection of disturbance/degradation on peatlands; Land usage change mapping; Habitat mapping and assessment