Research and Innovation
Research and Innovation
Research and innovation are at the heart of the School’s activities. As well as informing the teaching that the School provides in History and Geography to Arts and Education students, members of the school pursue an active research agenda. The primary focus of this research is the island of Ireland – its history and its geography – and members of the School have produced, and are engaged in the production of pioneering work on diverse aspects of medieval, early modern and modern Irish history, and the historical geography of the island in the early modern and modern era. As well as this, current research in geography focuses on the social geography of Ireland, regional geography internationally and on earth observation and biogeography. This is evidence not only of the extent of the School’s research footprint, but also its commitment to inform and to shape understanding and policy in modern Ireland.
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Opportunities for Engagement
Members of the School participate frequently in the public sphere and contribute to public debate and to policy formation. They participate in the national and international media and serve on state bodies such as the Irish Manuscripts Commission.
They serve prominently in an editorial capacity in the production of academic journals, and are strongly represented on the editorial boards of major journals in the spheres of History and Geography.
They have acted as assessors for the Irish Research Council, The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO), the Leverhulme Foundation, and other award granting bodies.
International Engagement
The School of History and Geography encourages and promotes international engagement. Members of the School are engaged in international collaborations with colleagues in New York University, Queen’s University Belfast, Lund University, Boston University, University of Antwerp, HAN University of Applied Sciences, Nijmegen and others in various research projects and initiatives. They also speak regularly at international conferences and gatherings. The School has Erasmus links with Humboldt University in Germany, The University of Malta, Charles University Czech Republic, Université Rennes 2 France and Goldsmiths University of London.