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School of History and Geography


The School of History and Geography is currently home to a lively body of research students, all engaged in research towards the PhD degree.

We offer a structured research programme with access to appropriate taught modules alongside expert supervision.

A limited number of research scholarships are offered annually by the School - information is generally posted in the spring of each year.  In addition, several of our current students are holders of external funding awards, including the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship (Irish Research Council) and the Universities Ireland History Bursary.

Recent PhD graduates have published their graduate work as monographs and proceeded to win prestigious post-doctoral awards, including the Roy Foster Irish Government Research Fellowship at Oxford.

Our staff support students in research projects in History and Geography.  In History these include a broad range of subjects in the area of Irish History, as well as Environmental History, the History of Science and Medicine, Modern European History, Gender and Women's History.  In Geography we welcome students working on Irish Urban and Rural Historical Geography, Irish Geomorphology, Irish Water Resources, Earth Observation, GIS, Land Use Change, Peatland Carbon Dynamics and Geopolitics.

Full-time students also have access to workspace and IT facilities.

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has launched a new Doctoral Research Hub online to provide a one-stop-shop for PhD students seeking information. Here, PhD students can learn more about doctoral studies in the faculty and explore relevant information on postgraduate research life.

General information on making a Postgraduate Research application is available from the Graduate Studies Office Scholarships & Opportunities (dcu.ie)

All postgraduate research applications made for commencement BEFORE 1st September 2024 will be processed through the DCU student application portal Sign In (elluciancrmrecruit.com)

A step by step guide for making applications for postgraduate research commencement BEFORE 1st September 2024 is available hereYour Guide to the Student Application Portal (dcu.ie)

All postgraduate research applications made for commencement AFTER 1st September 2024, will require the applicant to complete a pre-application form Pre-application form (elluciancrmrecruit.com)

Once this form has been reviewed, the applicant will be sent information via email around how to progress their application to DCU.

Dr Jimmy O’Keeffe
Research Convenor
School of History and Geography
T:  +353 1 7009079
E:  jimmy.okeeffe@dcu.ie'