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School of History and Geography


Primary Department
School of History and Geography
Institutional Lead for DCU Futures & Professor in Physical and Environmental Geography
Work Area/Key Responsibilities
History & Geography
Susan Hegarty_002.jpg
Phone number:
01 700
St Patrick's Campus
Room Number
SPD D306

Academic biography

Susan Hegarty is a geographer and Associate Professor in the DCU School of History and Geography. She is Institutional Lead for DCU Futures, within the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Her research focuses on citizen science for monitoring water quality, and on the evolution of the Irish landscape and our use of that landscape. She has researched the role of the Quaternary ice-sheets on this landscape and the role Quaternary sediments play in the vulnerability of water sources to pollutants. She is also interested in the exploitation of Irish mineral resources in the nineteenth century.

She is enthusiastic about transmitting the importance of Geography to the wider public, and to this end has taken part in a number of documentary series on both Irish and British television channels and is involved in a number of citizen science projects looking at water quality in Ireland. She also sees fieldwork as an integral part of the training of geography students, and promotes field studies within undergraduate geography. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Research interests

Catchment-scale management of water resourcesCitizen science for water quality monitoringIrish landscape evolution and environmental history (particularly in the south-east of Ireland)Historical use of Irish mineral resources