Korean-European Joint Conference, Seoul, October 21-23, 2019
The Third International Korean-European Joint Conference on Geographic Naming and Geographical Education was hosted by the Northeast Asian History Foundation (NAHF) at their headquarters in Seoul, Korea - October 21-23, 2019.
European Association of Geographers (EUROGEO) Vice President Gerry O’Reilly, Dublin City University, School of History and Geography delivered the keynote address: Naming Places - Territoriality and Sustainable Peace-Building: Challenges for Educators in the 21st Century. He also led the EUROGEO delegation of participants from EU countries, Israel and USA. This paper was followed by: Dual Naming as a Possible Solution for Naming Controversies: The Case of the Sea Between Japan and Korea, delivered by Choo, Sungjae (President of the Society for East Sea, Kyung Hee University) and a range of other papers were presented dealing with territorial and maritime boundaries, cooperation and dispute, the burdens and possibilities of historical geographies, history, geography and curricula, and the T&L of such topics from the primary to the third level sectors taking cognizance of educational approaches and especially those used in the EU promoting good neighbourliness along with sustainable peace-building and development. The initial collaboration between NAHF and EUROGEO was fostered by Profs. Sungjae Choo, Karl Donert and Rafael de Miguel.
Delegates were welcomed by the Foundation President Kim, Jong-Guen, Director of Dokdo Research Institute, Choi, Woon Do, and Secretary General Cho, Taiyoung. The NAH Foundation was established in 2006 to help ‘overcome discord and conflicts arising from differing perceptions of history, and bring peace and prosperity to East Asia’. Among its activities NAHF promotes research, academic and international collaboration &b exchanges, conferences, education and training (https://www.nahf.or.kr/gnb01/snb01_01.do).