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Assessment in Healthcare EducAtion goes Digital
Third Transnational Meeting
Third Transnational Meeting, Ilia State University (ISU), Georgia

Third Transnational Meeting

From September 5th to 7th, Ilia State University (ISU) hosted the third international gathering for the AHEAD project, which is funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training (KA220-VET) program. During this meeting, participants provided updates on the progress of five project outcomes within the AHEAD project. They also discussed the remaining tasks required to successfully complete PR3, PR4, and PR5, incorporating valuable feedback from meeting attendees. Responsibilities were distributed among project partners, and relevant deadlines were established.

Third Transnational Meeting

During this meeting, participants provided updates on the progress of five project outcomes within the AHEAD project

On the final day of the meeting, participants addressed project management matters, assessed dissemination activities, and brainstormed additional methods for effectively sharing project information beyond the consortium. The partnership also initiated discussions about the sustainability aspect of the project and explored opportunities for strengthening the consortium through various available funding sources. ISU introduced several project ideas aimed at continuing the successful collaboration established by the AHEAD project.

Additionally, consortium members pinpointed the location and tentative dates for the final Transnational Meeting and multiplier event, which are scheduled to occur in spring 2024 at Dublin City University in Dublin, Ireland.